Saturday, Jan. 05, 2002 6:19 p.m.

Secret stretched out her back and looked at the clock. The green led lights flashed 5:24 at her. She had been up for over seven hours and this seemed like the longest day she�d experienced all break. However, today had one important characteristic going for it: it was her last night in The Heights. Tomorrow, after wrapping up a few last open ends, she would be journeying back to her home.

Granted, she had a few things that she wasn�t looking forward to there either.

Secret knew that her schedule was jam packed this semester. There were no hour and a half breaks between each class like there was last semester.

Actually that made Secret happy.

If there was on thing about her schedule that she hated last semester, it was those breaks. They weren�t long enough for her to start on any homework, they were barely long enough to run back to her room and change her books. They made her lazy and gave her a reason to skip class. This semester was different though; she would be going straight from class to class.

Secret even hoped to get a job to keep her more efficient.

This time, she knew that she would follow through. Too bad the same couldn�t have been said about RP, the Roommate. Apparently that part of her character, she didn�t see a need to fix.

But that wasn�t what bothered Secret.

What bothered Secret was her and LL, the Nice Guy�s, desire to drive her crazy by involving her in their crazy breakup. LL had been getting pretty good about not complaining, as had RP. Secret was beginning to think that LL had finally moved on, finally realized that these things happen to everyone, finally realized that he had not been the only one in the world that had been screwed over by a relationship. Secret had thought that he�d stopped crying, �woe is me, I�m never going to find anyone.�

Of course, Secret was wrong.

Secret did not understand, at all, the motives of �those people� who found themselves either dumped or cheated on and suddenly thought the world had come to an end. Secret understood the hurt of being dumped, but she knew better than to think that she was the only one who had ever experienced so much pain, that no one else could relate, that she was somehow entitled to more misery than others. Secret knew the listlessness that came after, and the feelings of anxiety over finding someone new.

But, be real people. We�re only in our twenties, Secret thought.

The latest drama involved a drunken LL emailing RP another �feel sorry for me� letter. He claimed, when confronted by Secret, that he hardly even remembered sending the letter. Two facts stuck out in her mind though: RP had received the letter at 6:50 pm and LL had sounded completely lucid when she had talked to him.

Perhaps he was trying to save face with her, especially after his reassurances that he was over her, but Secret was getting annoyed at his dual nature involving RP.

Secret, above all, did not understand why if he projected so much disdain for RP why he was bringing her flowers in her favorite color, driving an hour out of his way to have dinner with her and her family, or sending her emails like last night�s.

Obviously he wasn�t over her.

Secret saw nothing wrong with that either. She just wished that he would be honest with his friends, RP, and himself. Instead of coddling to RP, he should be telling her to her face exactly everything he felt. Instead of trying to save face with his friends, he should be admitting to at least himself what was going on with his torrent of emotions. Secret knew that he needed to handle things his own way, but unhealthy and destructive was no one�s way.

RP, of course, was another story. RP said to Secret what appeared to be her new theme, �I really like SV, but I still have feelings for LL.� Secret wasn�t sure if that was an invitation for advice or not, but she remained unwavering in her staunch advice that RP be single for awhile.

Of course, RP went through her usual pattern of agreeing with Secret, then saying that she would work on it. The next step would be a half-assed attempt at trying to stay single, followed by about two minutes of listening and then finally going back to him.

Secret knew the pattern very well and she knew that deep inside, RP didn�t want to change. That was her choice too; but Secret was sick of hearing her complain. Secret was tired of being dragged in to RP�s problems. If RP wanted to live her life the way that she was, Secret would give her three cheers; as long as it didn�t involve her being dragged into any negative situations.

Secret really didn�t understand how such smart people could act so stupidly, but she was sure that they all had their moments. It just seemed that LL�s and RP�s had been lasting for way too long.

Maybe Secret just needed to learn how to ignore them better.

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