Sunday, May. 05, 2002 11:30 p.m.

Well, it�s Sunday night and I�m watchin my usual batch of TV since I really have no obligations and I�m finding it strange. It feels strange to be at home.

The move-out was its usual hell complete with attitude from my mother, my father, and my stepfather (and of course me). The previous night had been eerily uneventful considering the plan had been to party our asses off since none of us had any obligations. While I was lying on the couch trying to stay awake, RP, the Roommate came back to pick up the rest of her stuff so that it would be out of the way when the loft was coming down. As she picked through the things left all over the room, she left things sitting on the shelves that she decided she was going to throw away.

Stuff on the shelves and all over the room that I was going to have to inevitably clean up so that there wasn�t random junk on the floor or taking up space needed to take the loft down. I don�t think so.

�Before you go, can you take out your trash; I don�t really feel like cleaning up additional stuff tomorrow morning when my parents came.�

Obviously she didn�t seem to understand that it wasn�t really my responsibility to clean up the stuff that she decided she didn�t want anymore and gave me a glare, sighed, and started to throw things away. She and her boyfriend left shortly after and I got up to close the door again, returning myself to the peacefulness that was a responsibility-free night.

RP wasn�t done yet. She came back and kinda just stood in the doorway.

�You know I planned on drinking tonight�� she said, I looked away from her and back at the TV.

�No one around here seems to be in the spirits��

I really didn�t know what to say to her. It also wasn�t my responsibility to go rouse up everyone because she felt like she was in a social mood. I was also tired and I liked the peace and quiet. I shrugged in response; if she wanted to party with the floor, she could go find them and try and get them in the mood.

�So you�re getting your cat on Saturday?�

�That�s the plan,� I said, rubbing my head. The headache that I thought I had eliminated had returned. Either that or it was some kind of strange premonition that an argument was about to ensue.

�Are you going to take care of it?�

I seriously couldn�t believe that she was asking this question. Obviously I was going to take care of him.

�Well the smell, I don�t want that smell everywhere.�

�Relax, as long as you clean their litterbox, they don�t smell.�

�Not just the litterbox: the dander too. Plus you�re getting a male cat and they spray��

�Have you ever owned a male cat?�

�No, but I know people who have and their cat sprayed��

�Yeah, and? I have a male cat, and he hasn�t ever sprayed. I know dozens of people who have owned male cats without a problem. What exactly is your problem here?�

�I don�t want a cat.�

That�s just great. She waited until two days before I was going to get the cat to tell me that I couldn�t have it. She knew since November that I had been planning on getting one. She helped me evaluate names. She looked at them online with me. She had even offered the use of her old cat�s cage. Never had she said a discouraging word, in fact, when I was originally toying with the idea, she was the one who was so gung-ho about it.

�Too bad,� was my response.

�I�ve been thinking about it for awhile.�

My ass. Seriously, you don�t wait until two days before after spending months enocouraging idea to suddenly discourage it. I seriously hope that she learns that she needs to express her fears and problems instead of being afraid of conflict soon. It�s not just for me, but she reminds me a lot of my father. I�d had to be someone who truly mattered to her and have her promise away just like my father and when it came down to the magic moment, back out�just like my father.

Anyway, the argument continued and eventually ended. I never did manage to corral the energy to party and I�m not sure that anyone else really did either.

I woke up the next morning after realizing that my alarm, strangely, never went off. It wasn�t a big deal however, I managed just fine.

Except for my mother losing her glasses and everyone�s attitudes clashing, move-out went decently smoothly and I went back to The Shores to unpack my car. A couple hours later, I got a phone call�

�.from K, the Sorceress�.


Before she and I could meet up, I had plans to see Spiderman (which turned out to be incredible). It followed the comic very well compared to other movies of that same genre. I also saw a nice preview of MIB 2 and The Hulk. Stan Lee must be one rich fella with all of his comics becoming movies.

I was literally shaking when I pulled into that recognizable driveway and when I saw her I let a tear or two fall. It was so unbelievable to see her, especially considering she�d cut and colored her hair.

I grabbed her and took her back to my father�s for we were going to pick out a kitten the next morning.

Ack�I�m running out of battery on my laptop�I�ll continue later.

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