Monday, Jul. 22, 2002 10:51 p.m.

Oh what a fun filled day�

LOL�I�m going to kick myself for saying this, but I probably should have listened to my mother�s nagging. I�m not so sure that exam went all that well considering I totaled up the number of questions that I knew for sure, and they came to the grand total of 20 out of 75.

Uh oh�.

I�m praying, really really praying, that everyone else did as badly. I know that�s a terrible thing to pray for, but I need that 2.0. I don�t wanna hear my mother�s immortal words, �I told you so� ringing in my ears. As preparation for the next exam, I didn�t leave class this time and I even bought a micro cassette recorder to record that dingbat�s lectures. I have a plan.

I�m going to read the chapters after the lecture, look at my notes, and listen to the tape. That should be enough repetitiveness to drill the stupid biological material into my head.

Does this mean no more skipping class?

I think it does.


Well, let�s see�.

Yesterday, Mommy dearest invited me to go see The Road to Perdition with her ever-so-charming husband. I agreed, deciding to put off studying as long as possible. Of course, my mom gives me about thirty minutes of warning that we�re leaving and since I don�t really get dressed until I have to on Sunday�s, I had to jump into the shower. While I was in the shower, she went to the store to buy goodies that we could sneak in. She got my Vanilla Coke and she had no room in her purse for it and neither did I. I came up with the idea of sneaking it in under my sweater that I carry over my arm in case I�m cold. Well, since we had to leave that second, I had no idea where my keys were.

�Mom, where�s the spare key to my car?�


�Where is the spare key to my car?�

�The spare key?�

�Yes, the spare key to my car.�

�Why do you need it?�

�So I can get my sweater out of the car.�

�What do you need your sweater for?�

�So I can sneak in the soda.�


�Where�s the key?�

�I don�t know.�

�How can you not know?�

�I just don�t.�

�Well, where would you most logically put it?�

�I don�t know.�

�So you have no idea where my key is?�


That really pisses me off. She made this big deal out of copying my key when I first go the car in case I was stranded or locked the keys in the car. My personal feelings on the subject were so that she could snoop, but she vehemently denied that. Anyway, she stole the key from me one day while I was sleeping and made a copy, but she has no idea where it is.

When I had my previous car, I made like four copies of the key. She had one, I kept two in the dish by the sink, and I had one up at school. The three copies that she was near disappeared so that the only remainders were the two in my possession. This proved very helpful when we were going to the towing place that had my Escort and needed the key to get in.

I love this story.

The police took my key when I was in the accident to tow the car, so I didn�t have a copy. The copy from up at school was packed somewhere. That means that the spare that she had, would have worked?

No, she had no idea where it was.

What about the two I left in the dish?

No, she somehow misplaced those too.

So, how the hell was I supposed to get in the car to remove my things if all of my keys were gone?

Well, thankfully, the police had left it in the ignition, but you can see my conundrum.

Another example: there were three copies of the key to the front door. Each of us had one. Well, my stepfather lost his somehow, so we were down to two. My mom also lost hers somehow, so the �irresponsible� one has the key right? Well she demanded it from me, but I refused to give it up, knowing that she would lose it in the process of it getting copied or something. Since none of us ever use the front door, we were fine with just one.

Well, I went off to college and the last key�.disappeared. What do you know? I know exactly where I left it. I left it in a blue and pink crate attached to my Rafiki keychain and my Kubotan (Japanese self defense stick) keychain. I�ll give you three guesses as to what happened to it.

What the hell happens to all of those keys?

When I questioned my mom�s logic about the spare key yesterday, though, she just blew up at me, as usual.

�What�s the point of a spare key if you don�t know where it is?�

�Don�t argue with me.�

�I�m not arguing. I�m calm, and I�m just asking this one question.�

�I don�t have to answer it.�

�It just doesn�t make any sense.�

�It doesn�t have to make sense.�

That too pissed me off. It�s not like I�m a five year old and I have to accept an answer because �mommy says so�. She always acts like this; like I�m the child and she�s the adult. Well, I am her child, but not a child, so I�m not satisfied with answers that have no meaning and I shouldn�t have to be. She should have the respect for me to say, �You know, you�re right. I misplaced it and when I find it, I�ll put it in the dish so we all know where it is in case the car needs to be moved or you get stranded.�

No, I get, �It doesn�t have to make sense� or �because I say so�.

Oh great. I hear my stepfather going into the computer room (I�m on my laptop) getting ready to fire up e-bay for the fourteenth time today. So, of course, I�m going to get the usual sighs and groans because I�m on the net.

I�m not in the mood for this.

He�s home all day and he can go on whenever he pleases. I got home tonight at 10:00 pm after leaving the house at 7:15 am. He can just wait until tomorrow then.

Anyway, work was uninteresting, at least for me. B, the Boss, decided it wasn�t �pick on J� day, but instead it was �pick on AC� day. I had to feel sorry for her. As part of our jobs (all three of us: AC, AD, and me) have to do various target tests on the Expedition and Range Rover. This means that we set up a target and either back away from it to get its radar signature, ram into it as a �crash test�, or avoid it to get a different kind of radar signature. All three of us have done these tests since last summer; we�re all equally qualified to do them.

Friday, AC mentioned that it was strange that B, the Boss, only told her about the next test setup that we have to do. Well, today, he comes hustling by our desk area and says, �Where are the keys to the Taurus?� (one of the target cars we use)

�Uh�I don�t know.�

�Hmmm?� he said

�Well, when we left them in the Barrier, the keys were in it. I�m not sure what MD did with the keys when they moved the cars outside.�

�AC! You are in charge of the testing!� he said and walked away in a huff.

I�m not sure exactly when he designated her �testing manager� but I don�t think she knew either. She was mad as all hell for being the only one to get in trouble for some other people misplacing our keys. I can understand that too.

Oh, yeah, B did piss me off today.

Every two weeks he calls meetings to �check up� on what we�ve been doing. He�s only done this since AC�s dad, the site manager, got on his case about it. Well, he sent out email invitations to everyone�

�.and what do you know? He didn�t show.

That�s just typical. He has no respect for us.


Oops, I didn�t mean for this to turn into one big bitchfest.

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