Monday, Oct. 13, 2003 10:04 p.m.

I swear the love is like crack.

It�s probably even more addictive than that. It�s probably more like opium, actually.

As a person, you�re fine until you get that first taste of love. You can exist without knowing it. You watch and shake your head at the crazy things that others do because of it. You know that it can be expensive, destructive, but you don�t quite understand what it is about it that makes people feel and act the way that they do.

As soon as your lips get that first drink, though, you�re done. Oh do you ever fly! You�re on top of the world. Like some drugged-up fool, you think that you can jump off buildings and survive. Oh the high!

Then, when the initial feeling of it wears off, you crave it like nothing else. You�re not satisfied until you feel it constantly. You have to drink it up as if it were the elixir of life.

Hahahahaha�inside joke�stuff of life�.hahahahaha

I�m sorry, I�ll go on.

For those of you who have never felt it, it is like nothing else. This is not the same kind of love that you feel for a treasured pet, a book, a hobby, or the high after running five miles. No, this is much different. It drives you to do the craziest things you will ever do in your life. You think that you act stupidly when you�re drunk? Just wait. You think that things don�t make sense as it is? I don�t recommend it to you.

You can be a perfectly independent person who is completely secure with yourself. You have your routines. You have your hobbies. You have your stances on issues.

BAM! It hits you like a Mack truck and you�re all upside down. Suddenly, all you can think about it getting more of it. You would mortgage your soul for those feelings to be around you at all times. Things that you once thought before it crossed your path are things that you would never think now.

I mean, think of all the songs out there.

�I�m here without you baby, but you�re still on my lonely mind. I think about you baby and I dream about you all the time.� ~~ Three Doors Down

�I don�t wanna run away, but I can�t take it, I don�t understand. If I�m not made for you, then why does my heart tell me that I am. Is there any way that I can stay in your arms? If I don�t need you, then why am I crying on my bed? If I don�t need you, then why does your name resound in my head? If you�re not for me, then why does this distance maim my life?� ~Daniel Bedingfield

�The first time my heart was ever touched was the day I lost your love. I can feel it in my flesh and blood. My soul can only take so much.� ~Jonny Lang

You still don�t think it�s as powerful as crack?

Think about what happens when you lose it. Your whole universe is turned around. You can�t function. You can�t work. You can�t concentrate. All you can think about is what you have lost.

You go through withdrawals. You are completely useless to society.

Then, after some time, and various 12 step programs, you are okay again. You�re back to being independent, living your life one step at a time. You get through it; you�re doing just fine, but [BUT!] if you even taste the tiniest drop on your lips, you�re lost again. The addiction is one that can never be controlled.

Just like crack, I tell ya.

Speaking of which, maybe I can go find a window to jump out of, because I�m sure that I can fly. ;)

Okay, so it�s not all bad. I rather do enjoy my love-crack. As crazy as I am, as stupid as I can get, as devastating as it can be sometimes, there is nothing in the world like it�especially this time around.

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