Monday, Dec. 23, 2002 10:08 p.m.

It certainly has been an interesting week.

This doesn�t mean that the entire world has fallen apart; no, very far from it. There has been two trips to the bar and a fight over my salary.

Well, I have to apologize about the diary lockage. I did that so that I could possibly make a couple of changes to my diary without people being able to get in. I ended up not having the energy to make any changes and got distracted before I could change it back.

Anyway, for those of you who were wondering, there was no drama involved.

Last Friday I went to the bar with the guy, A, the Cheerful, H, the All Knowing, AC, the Coworker, and her brother. AC and her brother had been drinking since the early afternoon, as AC had gone to our office Christmas party (I was taking a final) and her brother had been entertaining guests with their mother (some kind of drunken teacher�s party).

The evening, for the most part, turned out to be pretty unexciting. Shortly after arriving at the bar, AC left because she wasn�t feeling well. The rest of the evening was spent just talking, playing trivia, and of course drinking.

Nothing happened with the guy, and I�m not too bummed about it. It just made me realize yet again, that I have virtually no time nor desire for a relationship.

I came home on Sunday and prepared for work. The first day or two flew by, as AC and I actually had work to do (and a boss that respects us). B, the Former Boss, was in the office scarcely (his wife had just had a baby the week prior), but he finally stopped by to say hello. He showed us various pictures of his new born boy, which he lovingly referred to as �it�.

�It has nails.�

�It is hairy.�

I don�t get it either and I�m not about to analyze his line of thinking. I hope it has something to do with the difference between his mother tongue (French) and the translation to English, but if you actually think about it, that wouldn�t make any sense either (there is no �it� in French).

Anyway, after showing us the pictures, he pulled me aside.

Some quick background:

At the end of the summer, I met with the main manager of the part of Visteon that my company had bought out when we gave our end-of-summer presentations. He was impressed with my credentials and gave me his card to keep in contact with him. Right before B pulled me aside, I had emailed this guy my most current resume and he had set up and interview.

So B pulls me aside and says, �So you�ve emailed your resume to CB?�


�Who told you that you could do that?�

�He did.�

�Who did?�


�Oh, you met him?�

�Yes, at the end of the summer.�

�So you�re looking for a job?�


He went on to tell me what CB�s main job function was in this snooty tone.

�Well, I�ll just discuss that with him when I meet with him.�

�Oh you already have an appointment with him?�

�Yeah, for the week of the 6th.�

�Oh, well good luck I guess.�

�Well thank you, I guess.�

I don�t entirely know what his problem is. I can�t decide whether or not he thinks 1) I�m too dumb to work for anyone or 2) He�s angry that I�m not giving him my resume. Well, working with him all summer was not a picnic, and quite frankly, I�d rather be unemployed than go back to being his 50 grand a year intern.

With the exception of B�s chilly reception, I expect that the interview will go well.

Work from that point on was pretty uneventful except that whole salary thing. I was talking to HT, that guy that I was interested in earlier in the semester that also works with me. He mentioned in passing this �senior rate� that he gets for pay even though he�s a junior. AC and I decided to investigate and went downstairs to talk to some woman in HR. She told us the payscale.

Frosh get $A per hour.

Sophs get $B per hour.

Juniors get $C per hour.

Seniors get $D per hour.

I find this out and I�m kinda pissed off as I had been getting $C all summer even though I�ve been a senior since last December. So as AC and I are complaining about our miseries, we pass by our current boss who tells us that they more than likely will give us retroactive pay, as long as we get an engineer to go ask. AC asks her dad to ask and he relents.

AC and I figure out what our back pay for the summer is with excited gleams in our eyes. We figured that with that money we could go on a nice cruise for Spring Break, plus our hourly rates would be kicked up to the higher level over the break that we were working.

AC�s dad comes back and tells us that we�re wrong. He talked to the head of HR who told us that the pay rate is based on the level that you complete. Therefore someone who had finished his or her freshman year would get $A per hour and so on. Therefore, in order to get the senior rate, you have to finish your senior year. Well, when you finish your senior year, you�re not an intern anymore and the payscale wouldn�t apply.

What the hell?

So AC�s dad goes down to talk to the HR woman again. She explains that they based the payscale on Kettering students who go to school one semester and then work a semester and that�s how they�d get the senior rate: by having completed at least one semester as a senior.

Well, again, I�ve been a senior since last December, which means that it would most certainly apply to me.

The woman in HR was sick of hearing from me and just shot me down with no explanation. Now, what bothers me is this 1) HT is not a senior and he gets this �senior rate� 2) He doesn�t go to Kettering 3) The other HR woman told us that we get the senior rate.

What a crock. That company is so freakin disorganized. Everyone was right about our HR manager: she is useless. I think that she�s just reading the payscale wrong because her line of thinking makes absolutely no sense. You are not a senior after you finish your senior year; you are a senior during it.

That�s a no win situation though.

I managed to stay pretty busy with work all week, topping it off with a food party today.

Let�s see�.

I saw the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers with H and A. We had practically the same seats that we had last year. It was definitely a good movie and I�m not going to go into any more detail about it.

K, the Sorceress, and I went to the bar by my dad�s on Friday night. We took a cab to this lovely bar on the lake that was playing dance music when we walked in. However, the bar turned out to be a combination bar and restaurant and most of the people sitting at tables were families. The bar was pretty empty too. After dancing for awhile, the last group left close to 1 am, leaving just K and I to close up the bar. We took a taxi home and got some food when I noticed red and blue flashing lights in my dad�s window.

I freaked out thinking we had done something illegal, but it turned out that they were searching this car parked in front of my neighbors�. Then this woman came out of nowhere and she was searched too. Finally, she was cuffed and her car was towed. I noticed that two women had ducked out of my neighbors� and were standing in the driveway.

�Hey, what�s going on?�

�We don�t know. Come on over little girls, we have chex mix.�

And so we did. It�s not like those women were scary child molesters and we were 12. They had some decent looking food in their hands and I�ve met that neighbor, so it wasn�t as creepy as it sounded.

We hung out over there for awhile with a group of thirtysomethings who had one hell of a party and some damn good food. Then K and I went home and crashed.

That�s pretty much the end of my stories.

I really should update my book section�I�ve read like another 3 books and I still haven�t filled in the summaries of the ones that are currently listed.

Oh well.

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