Wednesday, Jan. 08, 2003 11:26 p.m.

It�s been a reasonably hectic week.

You know, that whole school thing got in the way of me being useless. In the past couple days I�ve gone job hunting, book hunting, grocery hunting, and cleaning. I was [not] shocked to find out that the bookstore had screwed up and listed incorrect books for my section of religion class, and now I have to deal with the lines and parking to return them�only to purchase them from another store. Then, of course, there was my 200 something page engineering textbook that cost $82 used.

Yeah, great.

Well, that class is just a barrel of monkeys. I was looking forward to a relatively stress-free term, but it turns out that the gods were not so kind to me. A new prof is teaching my 411 class, which, to my dismay, he said was going to be �harder� than the previous terms. I�ve had this guy before and he was reasonable then. I don�t know what crawled up his ass, but suddenly he�s anal as hell and requiring attendance. His homework rules are outrageous.

1) Homework must be done on engineering paper.

2) Answers must be boxed in.

3) There must only be ONE staple in the upper left corner no more than a half inch or some jazz

Yeah�..I don�t understand it. We are seniors after all; I think we can handle stapling our homework.

I�ve noticed, also, that the buses seem to make people more lazy. I got on the bus to take get to my class in north campus and there were these freshmen holding up the bus. They got on and the bus went to the FIRST stop and they got off.

It was like a BLOCK away! What the hell people!

I think I�m going to stick to walking to that class. I need the exercise and those people sicken me.

I started a new job. I work in the bakery here at MSU. So far it�s not bad work, but I haven�t been on my feet that long in years. I figure I�ll get used to it [hopefully] and it will be even more exercise to add to my list.

I WILL be fit before this semester is over. I figure I can make it to the gym at least 5 days a week. I�ll join that yoga class with AC. Maybe I�ll pick up a kickboxing or spinning class through my gym and then, of course, there�s work.

That�s a lot of exercise now that I think about it, heh.

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