Thursday, Jul. 11, 2002 12:49 p.m.

And score two for J in the weird dreams category.

Have and of you seen the movie Kate and Leopold? Well, the basis of that movie kinda ties into my dream, except it was reversed.

Can you understand that?

Well, as it turned out, I lived in some previous time, though I�m not sure when it was. I think it may have been the fifties or sixties. The guy who stars in all of my dreams lately, somehow, through some innovative technique traveled from the current time to my time. Again, there was that insane attraction to him. We hung out in my room until he told me that he had to go. He would disappear and reappear every couple of days until I could no longer take his leaving. I made a terribly hard decision to leave my own time and go to the �future� with him. I said goodbye to my father (who in my dream was not the same father that I actually have) and we traveled to the future/present.

Well, apparently, the present is also not the same present that we have today. It was somewhat more futuristic but the year was the same. I started my new life with him and we got married. I think we even had a kid, heh.

After some time, something weird happened. I went to sleep with my head on the kitchen table and part of me separated from the rest of me. It was like my personality split into two physical beings, somewhat like Secret and Prominence. Only this time, there was the sweet, gentle, loving me and the evil, temptress, uncaring me. The second person was named Scarlet for some reason. At first she was translucent and barely appeared on the physical plane, but slowly she became stronger until she was �real�. Well, the guy (named David in this dream) had to work someplace else where he would not be living with me, and much to my dismay, Scarlet went with him.

She spent what seemed like months trying to wear down his devotion to the �nice� me, and I think, eventually it worked. The nice part of me became weaker until I was translucent and could walk around their house invisible. He still fought off his advances toward her, but I could see that his love toward me was diminishing. I think that I had some kind of magical powers that I tried to use on Scarlet that just weren�t working.

I even tried the intervention of some friends. This was weird too: they were friends from the time in which I previously lived. Another friend was remarking about our obvious differences in appearance but that we were born in the same year. The friends invited David but told him that he couldn�t bring Scarlet. He relented and showed up for oh�about thirty seconds and disappeared on some weekend trip with her. I�m kinda fuzzy about what happened at this point but I do remember the end. I was sitting on the kitchen floor of our house crying with our daughter when suddenly Scarlet saw my pain and just disappeared forever.

So everything kinda worked out, I guess.

I wonder what that means�

Yesterday, I had to leave work at noon to go to court with P, the Conqueror because he got a speeding ticket during finals week in East Lansing, which was complete BS. His driving record is pretty bad and since I was the witness, I felt that I could help. So I met him at his house at about 12:20 so that we could leave and get some lunch before court and have plenty of time to get there.


On the way there, only about two miles from his house, he was pulled over. On the off ramp from I75 to Square Lake, he was radar�d going 72 mph and the limit is 50 mph. Well, honestly, I don�t understand why a cop would be such a dick about an off ramp. The point of an off ramp is to slow down. P wasn�t speeding when we were on Square Lake. The cop pulled us over just west of Woodward, which was a full mile or so past the off ramp.

And of course, P did not have his newest proof of insurance or newest registration tab on the car. He was really hoping that the cop would cut him a deal, but alas, he did not. P got a ticket for missing insurance, 15 mph over the speed limit, and a warning for the registration. As the cop was walking away he told P that he was �this close� to losing his license.

That�s right kids, he got a speeding ticket on the way to fighting another speeding ticket.

We went on our way, delayed slightly, and P didn�t speed from there on. I fell asleep on the ride there and I woke up with P on the phone. Apparently he had forgotten his ticket and didn�t know what district court to go to. He called up information and asked for the phone number of Lansing�s district court, but the operator told him that one did not exist. She gave him the number for Mason�s district court.

Now being the person that he is, P did NOT call up the Mason court to see if he was on the roster for the day and verify that it was the correct court. We drove, and drove, and drove�.

Well, after calling the Mason court three times for directions, we were just about there when P got the bright idea to check to see if it was the right court�

�you guessed it�.it was not the correct court. She directed us to the Lansing District Court, which was at least 20 miles away. It was already 2:30 at this time, meaning that P was going to be late. I told him to call the Lansing court to let them know so that he wouldn�t be defaulted.

The trip from Mason to Lansing was surprisingly short and we found the building rather quickly; it was right across the street from the Capitol building. We rushed into the courtroom, out of breath and looked around. The officer was no longer there.

�Uh oh..� I said under my breath. The magistrate saw us and glared somewhat.

�Can I help you?� he stared menacingly at me. I pointed to P and he explained his situation.

�Oh I see, it�s you,� the magistrate said icily. He instructed P to come up to the bench and speak with him. Apparently, since we had called and said that we were going to be late, the officer did not want to wait. He just dismissed the case instantly.

I took off four hours of work to drive for like two hours for P�s case to be automatically dismissed.

I�m not mad though, really�it was a fun adventure as it always is whenever he�s involved. I also got to see P in decent clothing for once, heh, he looked really good.

However, that part of my life is over. I should start looking for that guy in all of my dreams.

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