Monday, Nov. 24, 2003 5:13 pm

I�m beginning to wonder if I have tendonitis.

I realize that I haven�t been performing any repetitive movements long enough to have developed it really, but it sure as heck feels that way. I have this horrible pains in my forearms right below my elbows and both my grip and my typing skills have diminished.

The thought that I might have Tennis Elbow or Tendonitis really frightens me. I have a friend whose father had it in both arms, and he can basically no longer do his job. I really doubt that long-term disability would support me after working for only three months.

I�m probably overreacting of course. I have been lifting heavy items all weekend, but you know me and my catastrophic personality.

I�m getting very excited about moving. I have less than a week and I�ll finally be out of the house. Most of my stuff has already been moved [with the exception of my horribly messy bedroom] and has already been set up in the new place. Although my furniture orientation hasn�t worked out as perfectly as I hoped, it did turn out rather nicely, and I�m quite impressed with the way everything looks. It is nothing like my college place with the crappy furniture, cheap d�cor, and the carpeting infested with bugs. It has brand new carpeting, brand new oak cupboards, more space, and although I�m tooting my own horn, very nice furniture.

Everything looks so classy and new. Actually, it is, LOL. I�m quite impressed at how well it all seems to fit together. I feel almost nouveau riche with the way things worked out [with the exception, of course, of my bedroom furniture, but who is going to see that?]. I have dreams about cooking, arranging, and cleaning [ha!].

Speaking of dreams, I had this dream that this couple that I knew back in high school was getting married. Actually, I wasn�t invited to the wedding, but I was staying in the hotel that it was being held at and I managed to crash it somehow. The ceremony was completely wacky. I mean, I think it was aiming to be traditional [her dress looked like a cross between something that was contemporary and something that was from the 80�s]. I haven�t been to a whole lot of weddings that involved a traditional ceremony, so I could quite possibly be talking out of my ass, but it seemed very odd. It was like the bride and groom were trying to pull off the traditional thing, but the guests just weren�t listening. People were getting up and walking around during the ceremony, loudly talking to each other, dressed all weird, and no one was paying attention to the vows. Then, out of nowhere, the bride busted into some Mariah Carey song in the middle of the vows, and believe me, she was not a Jessica Simpson. Everyone was laughing at her, but she just kept on singing despite it all.

Now, I know that it was just a dream, courtesy of my own messed up head, but I had to feel sorry for them. I mean, how rude is that that no one was paying attention? And I have to give props to the bride for singing despite a horrible singing voice.

I have to wonder, though, what was going through my sub-conscious mind when it decided to surprise me with that strange little interlude.

So�.moving on to the weekend�.

Friday was an evening of just staying in and watching a movie. B wasn�t feeling very well, so I couldn�t actually do what I had originally planned: catching up on Alias episodes that I missed. And oh did I apparently miss something big because Sunday�s episode was REALLY good. We went to bed really early, and it appeared that I, myself, wasn�t feeling very well either, being as that I passed out as soon as I got into bed.

Saturday involved moving furniture, running around, and getting ready for my holiday party. The holiday party was quite the soiree. I mean, I wasn�t expecting that many people, but there were 1600 people there! I thought my odds for winning a prize were pretty good until I found out the odds: 24 prizes, 1600 people. B ran into a few people that he knew, and I found it rather amusing that people kept asking him what department he worked in while thinking that I was just his wife or something. The food was excellent: we had both filet mignon and salmon with vegetables and potatoes. The dessert was a little bit lacking, as it tasted like paper dipped in a liquored up berry sauce. Then came what I was waiting for: the prizes. The prizes ranged from $100 gift certificate to Champps restaurant, $200 to Target, $250 to Lakeside Mall, 4 pairs of Red Wings tickets, trips to Niagara Falls, Toronto, Las Vegas, Disneyworld, Acapulco, and Aruba, and various other little things. I came so close to winning the trip to Aruba! Actually, no I didn�t. I didn�t� come close to winning any prizes, LOL. But it was a good time nonetheless.

We had a room in the Renaissance Center, so we retired after we got our pictures and talked to everyone. It was a good night.

Sunday was spent moving more furniture and setting up the place and cleaning it up. I should be just about ready to just unpack when I get there on Friday.

And that leads me to today.

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