Thursday, Jul. 25, 2002 10:34 a.m.

I fuckin hate it here.

My mother�s a bitch and my father�s a child.

My company offers the employees a sweet deal on Sam�s Club memberships. I can enroll for membership for $17.50 instead of the customary $35.00. AC and I, again, started talking about how much we wanted to get back to school and how useful the membership would be whence we got there. She told me that cleaning supplies are really cheap, as is shampoo, and most importantly: contact lenses.

My problem is that I got my eyes checked in May of last year and prescriptions only last a year. The added bonus is that generally, insurance companies only cover once every two years. It�s like there�s a conspiracy to make sure that the eye exam place makes money.

Anyway, I called up my father�s medical insurance to see what the benefits were. Well, what do you know? They stopped covering me at 19, just like Co-op Optical told me the last time I went there. My father swears up and down that I�m covered, but alas madam insurance adjuster told me that just wasn�t true.

I called up my mom to see what my stepfather�s insurance covers because they also cover me. They only cover every other year, so I guess I�m just SOL. She told me that the Detroit teachers got some new contracts or something that started August 1st and that maybe the insurance changed. I asked if she would help me out if there was no coverage: after all, I pay for the lenses.

�You told me on Tuesday that you�re 21 and that you�re responsible for yourself.�

�Yes, that�s true, but the context of that conversation was in reference to you leaving me alone about my class.�

�I see no difference.�

How do you explain to someone that they should pay for your medical expenses? I know that I�m luckier than most when it comes to coverage of medical bills, but I feel that it is the primary responsibility of the parent to cover medical bills as long as the child is claimed as a dependent on the parent�s taxes. That makes sense doesn�t it? I�m going to do it for my children, but my mom sees it in a very different light. She sees that she gains nothing from this, therefore she shouldn�t participate.

I have a secondary theory on this as well. I think that because I proved her wrong in regards to my class, she�s �punishing� me. She told me before that the reason she doesn�t think that I�m going to get a 2.0 is because I never study. I asked her if she had ever taken a class where she didn�t have to study and she still did well in it. She told me that she hadn�t.

Yeah, ok, I believe that one.

Well, I got my test score back yesterday�.lol�

I got a 41/75 which is a 54.6%. There was a curve that made a 68 equal to a 100%.

That means I got a 41/68 or a 60.2%.

Well, I got two extra credit points from the quiz which brings the score up to 43/68 = 63.2%.

The prof came into the class and announced that the curve was actually out of 67.

43/67 = 64.1%.

I got the second extra credit worksheet back with a nice 4/4 on it.

47/67 = 70.1%.

I got a 70% which was the bare minimum for a 2.0 on the exam. I learned to valuable lessons that day: I need to try harder if I want a nice security blanket with the grade, and if I put in the little amount of effort that I have been, I�ll basically get my 2.0.

So I think my mom is mad that she�s wrong.

Whenever my mom gets mad when she�s wrong, she �takes� something away from me or the antagonist. For instance, if I question her judgment or disagree with her, she used to take away my car. Lately, she�s taken away my food or my ability to leave the house after 10:00. Whenever my stepfather starts and argument with her, she�ll refuse to take him out to dinner or to the movies, and since he�s essentially a child, he doesn�t eat.

My mother tortures us both by refusing to feed us. I don�t get fed because I have no money, and my stepfather doesn�t get fed because he�s incapable of doing it himself.

Anyway, back to our phone conversation.

�I�m not going to pay for it.�

Of course, that�s just typical. I argue with her about something and she takes something away from me. What a vengeful bitch. I really hope that karma exists because some people really need to live their own mistakes.

Someday, I know this�someday, she�s going to need my help and it�ll be up to me whether or not I�m going to be vengeful. So far, I have not been vengeful in the small things that she�s needed me for, but who knows? If I have to deal with enough of this abuse, I may change.

On to the child�

I call my dad, only because I had to. I mean, we�ve barely spoken in the past two months and I�m refusing the take the blame for this one. I�ve said this before and I�m standing by it: I�m not yielding.

�Does your insurance company cover me for vision?�


�That�s funny because I talked to them just not five minutes ago and they said no.�

�They do.�

�Not according to who I talked to.�

�I�ll call them.�

�Can you do it soon? I�m going to be leaving in three weeks and I need to get things done.�

�I�m kinda in the middle of something. Where are you going in three weeks?�


�Oh, you�re still going?�

WTF? What drugs has he been taking? He knows that�he sent me the rent check. What the hell is wrong with him?

He called back after checking with the insurance company and came back to me with, �You have not been on my vision since you were 19.�

Well, I knew this. I told him this. He denied this.

Then, he started that lovely discussion with me about when I�m going to come over to see him. Well, let�s see dad. I work 40 hours a week. I have class 7 hours a week. I have homework. I have to pack. I�d like to see my friends. And, I have stuff to take care of at mom�s. So when would you like me to pencil you in?

Of course, my anger toward him has not subsided so there is a reason I haven�t made time for him. I feel that after that car accident, it was his responsibility to see if I was ok, needed help, or to see if there was any way that he could be of assistance. That is what fathers do.

When I told him this, however, he disagreed. Apparently, he thinks that I should have been calling him to let him know that I was ok and what not. In fact, he�s angry at me for not keeping him more informed.

Oh, I get it.

So that day after my car accident, June 1st to be exact, when I stopped over at his house to pick up things that I would need and I was on 1000 mg of Vicodin, I just imagined him screaming at me? I just imagined him being antagonistic? I just imagined how no one from his family, including him, gave me a birthday card?

Oh, I see now�.After he screamed at me, called me names, tried to get my mom to turn against me while I was about six hours into recovery from a scary, traumatic car accident, I am supposed to call him and keep him updated.

Oh�I�ll get right on that.

After a few minutes of him arguing with me on my cell phone while I stayed eerily calm and methodical, he interrupted me.

�Please don�t interrupt me, it�s rude.�

�I can do what I want, I�m your father.�

Oh, not this again. When are these two children that mistakenly married and had a child going to realize that I�m emotionally and legally and adult and should therefore be given the respect of a proper explanation for a stupid action?

No, you can�t do what you want. I don�t have to listen to you anymore.

�I�m sorry. I�m going to remain professional here and I�m just gonna have to hang up on you dad.� CLICK.

Some applause ladies and gentlemen�.these are my parents.

I can�t wait to leave.

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