Monday, Nov. 25, 2002 9:16 a.m.

I�m a little less nervous now but that may be due to the fact that I have a full tummy and I just took a nice warm shower.

Regardless, I really did study this time. I�m going to have a little bit more time after genetics and before class to really pound in those �Big Concepts� that Leo keeps repeating.

I�ll be ok.

Let�s look at the big picture anyway. My homework grade isn�t stellar (because I keep forgetting that we have homework due) but my labs and the midterm grade are excellent. Granted, I don�t have a whole lot of time to finish my final project, but it�ll work out somehow.

Leo�s a nice guy.

I actually had nightmares about spending too much money at the grocery store and binomial functions. That must be some kind of combo concern that I have about my test and spending habits.

Anyway, I was thinking once that since there are shows about medical students/doctors (Scrubs/ER), shows about law students and lawyers (Law and Order/The Practice), why isn�t there a show about engineering students/engineers? We have just as grueling (if not more when it comes to undergraduate education) school careers. We often spend hours upon hours studying and doing projects that often result in comedic situations. We have our own lingo (as opposed to �stat� we have �half-power beamwidth�). We have everything that med students and law students have.

Then I really thought about that.

Who, in their right mind, would want to see engineers at work? It would be like a replay of Office Space. As for engineering students��well�..I can�t even talk to my friends about projects, so I can�t imagine the general public really adhering to a discussion about the Vector Network Analyzer and chocolate baths.

Oh well, it was a thought.

On another note, I keep thinking that it�s Wednesday. I almost wish it were, aside from my genetics exam. It would be really nice to realize that I only had to attend three classes before heading home for a four day weekend.

Oh, that�s right, I forgot.

I�m an engineering student and I�ll be in the engineering building on Saturday working on my project.

Fun stuff.

Wish me luck on my test!

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