Monday, Apr. 08, 2002 2:24 p.m.

I�m tired.

There�s not much else I can say about that.

So far today has started out pretty badly. I found out some very strange news this morning and I had very little time to digest it before I had to whisk myself off to take an electromagnetics exam. As I said yesterday, I wasn�t going to get too cocky, and I had pretty good reason not to.

The exam�.SUCKED�.

I think I just threw my chances of getting a 4.0 out the window with this one.


I figured that my day could only get worse from there. After all, I had homework and a possible pop quiz in my second class and I have less of an idea of what�s going on in that class than I know how to read Sanskrit. I journeyed over to the library, listening to my poor stomach growl about being neglected. I found my usual group of cronies and proceeded to start copying.

�Hey, did you hear that the prof is sick?� one of them said to me as we commenced our usual bitchfest about the class and engineering in general.

No, I hadn�t heard that the prof was sick. What did it all mean?

Right as I had finished copying the last homework problem, a fellow classmate ran in to say that the professor was so sick that class had been cancelled.


Just as my friend and I were going to double check to see if a sign did truly exist about class being cancelled, the loudest fire alarm ever rang out and I�m sure deafened me by about 10%. I screamed like a girl and proceeded to ignore it like everyone else did until various professors started to throw us out of the building.

All I can say about that is: BURN BABY BURN!!!!!!!!

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