Sunday, Sept. 29, 2002 11:27 p.m.

Sorry again, I haven�t been really inspired lately.

When I�m not inspired, I cannot write.

Anyway, my IBM interview went well, but that�s based on the judgement that I�ve never actually had a real interview for a real job and that was the first.

If my evaluation was really good and my resume catches someone�s eye, then I�ll get a phone interview. If that goes well, I�ll be flown to one of IBM�s main locations for a tour, another interview, and whatever else.

Until that happens, (I�m confident, heh) I have about six interviews coming up with various companies as well as another career fair in Detroit.

I�m one busy busy girl.

My mom insisted that I get a suit because, heh, my business-y clothes are really lacking. Saturday, I ran out to Marshall Field�s and bought one.

Wow, that was a quick $300. However, I�m not paying, so I owe my mom a big hug.

Anyway, I�ve been working like mad on my capstone and I had two exams this past week. This week should be a little less stressful, considering I only have two meetings, two labs due, a homework set, a presentation, and a paper due.

Really, that�s not a whole lot, heh.

My free time has been spent doing the same old same old.

Yeah, I haven�t been really exciting lately�..

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