Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2002 12:36 a.m.

The knots were popping up in Secret�s back faster than she could think. She was absolutely exhausted as she had only gotten 9 hours of sleep in the past two days. Such little sleep barely helped her feel any better considering she was as sick as she was.

But of course, it was the mysterious sickness that was preventing her from sleeping. The stomach pains prevented her from moving, let alone and sleeping as fitfully as she normally did. It was a strange feeling that she could hardly summon up the strength to describe to another person. So instead she did her homework.

Her lovely, merciless homework.

She had very little time to be concerned with her health let alone reading, writing, or dreaming. Somehow, in only the fourth week of school, it had come crashing down and knocked her off her feet. This week alone she had two write-ups, two lab classes, three sets of homework, and a quiz. Next week would begin the barrage of tests including the dreaded electromagnetics exam that would surely kick her ass.

How many average people even say the word electromagnetics on a daily basis?

Her eyes watered from the radiance given off by the computer screen. Absentmindedly, Secret ran the equations for irradiance and radiance through her head with a laser with a wavelength of 633 nm. She was sure that she would soon run out of brainpower and the pessimistic part of her mind telling her it would ironically be right before the electromagnectics exam.

The health center hadn�t been much of a help either. After five days of enduring the agony that she had been braving for so long, Secret relented and visited the dreaded health center on campus.

The same health center with the classic �mono� or �pregnancy� diagnosis for anyone.

After running through a barrage of tests, the doctor couldn�t come up with a reason for her mysterious stomach pains. She could only tell her to avoid the �cooked� caf� food.


How in the hell was Secret supposed to eat when she was supposed to avoid the food that she paid over $7 a meal for?

That was just a typical diagnosis from the useless health center. Secret hoped that she would be able to somehow get rid of the problem herself.

That is, when she found the time.

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