Tuesday, Mar. 05, 2002 1:08 p.m.

Day two at the office has proved to be uneventful, but time is certainly going by faster than it was yesterday. After everyone in Electronics returns from lunch, I should find myself even busier.

Too bad I keep falling asleep at my desk.

It�s not that I can�t fall asleep at night; it�s more that I don�t want to. I�ve gotten so used to being up until at least 3 am that I don�t like the thought of going to bed before midnight. I guess I�ll have to sacrifice this week, considering I can hardly keep my eyes open. I also need to get some rest so that I can get back into the creative groove and move back to writing my entries in third person.

Ah yes, I do plan on doing that soon.

My creative energy has been tapped out with all of these harsh ECE classes and all the homework I�ve been getting. It�s hard to write at all about stuff that I hardly find interesting, let alone interesting enough to turn into a third person narrative.

I delivered flowers to Mommy as thanks for all the nice things that she�s been doing for me today after completing some research at a local university. I hope that starts us on a trend toward some nicer times. Dad�s planning on cooking a nice dinner that I pray I don�t fall asleep through.

On a different note, after reading all of the cnn.com and msnbc that I could possibly read, I found some interesting articles. A science teacher at a local elementary wanted to feed donated puppies to the class snake....

Ew god man.....

I can just imagine what that did to all the little kiddies when they pictured doe-eyed little puppies being devoured by a snake....

And.....a reporter interviewed N*sync�s Justin Timberlake and asked if he considers N*sync more like The Rolling Stones or The Beatles. Justin replied that he �for sure� believed that N*sync was definitely comparable to The Beatles. The reporter then turned to Justin�s dining partner and girlfriend Britney Spears and said, �Does that make you Yoko Ono?� in reference to the rumors that N*sync is going to split up. Britney replied that she had no idea who Yoko Ono was. Justin�s mother, who was also dining with them tried to defend Britney by saying that she was more like Linda McCartney. When asked by the reporter if she agreed, Britney replied again with, �I really don�t know who that is.�


That�s right ladies and gentlemen, Britney is indeed as stupid as she looks.

And does anyone else think it�s wrong that N*sync is being compared with The Beatles?

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