Sunday, Dec. 08, 2002 8:58 p.m.

I�m decently excited for a couple of reasons.

First, someone told me about this new show called �Joe Millionare� on Fox. Apparently, it�s like the Bachelor shows that I like so much with an interesting/cruel trick. The women are all flown to France and told that they will be competing for the attention of a young man who just inherited 50 million dollars. He will get to systematically eliminate them over the coming 7 weeks like in the Bachelor.

Here�s the fun part though.

Right before he picks �the one�, she�s told that he�s actually not a millionare, but that he only makes 19 grand a year.

I love it, hehehehehe.

There�s just something about seeing the shallowness in human beings that makes me all giddy.

I�m just kidding, but there�s nothing like real life drama that gets the heart tickin�.

My second reason is that I looked at my schedule for next semester and I noticed a few things.

First, I don�t have class on Fridays. Someone in the engineering program must have fallen asleep when my schedule was going through and let me slide by.

Second, I don�t start class until 6 pm on Monday.

Third, I don�t start class until 3 pm on Wednesday.

And finally, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I get out after 11:40 am.

The latest I attend class is until 7:50 pm and I still have 14 credits. That�s one hell of a senior schedule and it wasn�t even planned!

Anyway, back to studying�..

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