Monday, Apr. 22, 2002 1:11 a.m.

I swear to God I�m hearing things.

I can�t really describe the sounds that I�m hearing, but I think I�m starting to lose my mind. I�m so unbelievably tired after what was supposed to be the first stress free weekend that I�ve had in awhile.

If only life was that simple for me.

Back to the beginning.

On Friday after avoiding my second class, I snoozed for awhile and ate what was the best dorm food meal that I�ve had all year. However, it wasn�t my dorm; I still maintain that they feed us utter slop. I was anticipating the block party that was supposed to be going on later in the evening and decided to laze around for the couple hours before getting ready.

There were the usual arguments about getting a ride, what to wear, and procuring alcohol. Eventually, my arm got twisted into getting ready and before I knew it, I was sipping champagne out of my juice glass and pulling out the Box O Makeup under my desk. Since I had decided to use my new hair twister things, my �getting ready� time was cut practically in half. I felt the need to dress nicely, so I donned my willowy skirt and black shirt with sequins. Then came the fun part of mixing alcohol while doing my eye makeup.

Note to self: never do that again.

It is so hard to put on black eyeliner when you can�t see correctly.

I think I managed to pull it of alright.

Well, the suitemate and I got into her friend�s car when guys standing outside the car parked behind hers started catcalling us. As luck would have it, they happened to be traveling with our party.

Oh goodie.

I also noticed that one of the guys was someone that I�d run into at a party earlier in the year. I don�t think very favorably of him anymore.

I don�t hate him. I don�t not like him. I just don�t anything with him. I found him to be kinda on the dumb side, so we stopped chatting.

However, the plot twist came in when my suitemate�s friend announced that he was interested in my suitemate. I told her my story of our previous meeting and let her make up her own decision.

Well it turned out that she didn�t have to. When we drove to the �block party� we found ourselves in a very empty neighborhood.

Alas, the block party was the next day.


While we were gathering ourselves up to go, the car full of guys picked up two freshmen girls to join in our group.

For some odd reason it seemed to instill feelings of fury in all the girls in our car and we decided to try and lose them. In the process of driving like a maniac, we tried to locate a party.

How in the hell did it happen that the weekend before the weekend of finals at the biggest party school in Michigan that we couldn�t find a party?

Eventually (after losing the other car) we happened upon a party which had free beer and like 15 people. I walked around for awhile and found a cup that was clean and filled it up. I danced for like ten minutes and went outside to smoke.

Alas, I didn�t have a lighter.

�Lighter? Anyone? Lighter?� I said to people walking out the door of the party. They all shook their heads except for one guy.

�Hey don�t you live in McDonel?�

�Uh�did I hit you with a waterballoon?� I opened my stupid drunk mouth.

�Uh�no�� he said and explained that he had seen me around the building.

�Really?� I thought. I seriously usually just go to my room and have laid low except for the balloon incident. We chatted for awhile and I�m not sure what made me so forward by actually being so outgoing. The past few weeks, I have found myself somewhat withdrawn when meeting people at parties.

It was as if the conversation was flowing and there wasn�t nearly enough time for me to work it all in.

JD, the Musician popped in at the party just as my suitemate busted out the door and realized that I was getting the attention of a group of guys. Well, she promptly tried to get the attention put back on her and I continued to talk to my new acquaintance.

Shortly, though, he had to leave me and I retreated back into the party, only to ask to go home within a half hour. The new guy said that he�d stop by my room, but as soon as I got home, I passed out to my guilty pleasures movie: The Mummy Returns.

I�ll continue with the rest of the story later. I�m dead tired.

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