Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2002 3:07 p.m.

People can be really stupid.

When I was just a baby, my father was a teacher in the small town that we lived in. When the town started to have troubles, it was decided that some of the non-essential departments would be laid off in order to save money. My father was laid off.

He was also the English teacher.

That�s right, English is a nonessential department.

That being said, that must be an explanation as to why people have no idea how to spell. In the past few days, I have seen the word �discrace� instead of �disgrace�, �interseption� instead of �interception�, and then there�s my personal favorite: �snipper� instead of �sniper�.

The DC sniper has taken out another victim on Tuesday, not to be confused with the DC �snipper� who kills his victims with a rogue pair of scissors from 500 yards away.

I stumbled upon this one on the message board today:

��.and non of them was brang into the light like this one.�


That one is so off the charts it�s not even funny. This particular breed of idiot didn�t even mess up the word �brought� with �brung�. He used �brang�.

I know that no one�s spelling is perfect, mine definitely hasn�t been. A lot of times, I can�t remember how to spell easy words, especially those with �able� or �ible� endings. But come on�.is it even possible to be an adult and spell that terribly?

I could understand that if you were from a foreign country, this might be a valid problem, but how can an American claim that he or she is even fluent in English if he or she ever uses the �word� �brang�?

The sad thing about this is that most of the time, that flies. I remember talking to someone once about how he was going to go into electrical engineering without being able to spell properly. I was especially annoyed with how he didn�t even want to make an effort to not seem so uneducated. He pointed out that before any major proposal or presentation is due, he�ll just use spellchecker.

Spellchecker has become so common nowadays that the word is recognized as an actual word by the spellchecker.

That�s a little ironic.

Anyway, he was right. Spellchecker, like most computerized things, has given humanity an excuse to remain stupid. Like all the other digital innovations, spellchecker has made our easy to the point where we don�t even need to try anymore. The point of the story was that yeah, he�s gonna get away with using spellchecker. Yeah, even if he manages to still spell a word wrong, most of the people he�s presenting to will not know how to spell themselves and won�t notice.

Pretty soon, we might as well just forget how any English word is spelled and make up our own spellings. No one is going to notice.


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