Sunday, Feb. 09, 2003 8:56 p.m.

I swear that people get more and more rude as time goes on.

My mom and I went to see the Phantom of the Opera today at Wharton. When we arrived, there were two women in our seats who had taken them so that they could use their own seats for their coats. Well, they obligingly moved aside with no issue, but the problem came when the play started.

During every song, they would chatter [not quietly] about the play. �Oh, did you see that she was wearing a red scarf?� �Look at how the monkey claps!� Not only that, but they also kept eating some candy, so they kept rustling this plastic bag.

Finally, after enough time of this annoying behavior had elapsed, I told them in these exact words, �Can you please be quiet? Thank you.� The woman stared at me aghast, as if I�d just killed her puppy.

How is that so shocking and rude to tell someone to be quiet? Anyway, she and her friend stayed quiet, but to my dismay, she didn�t stop moving about in her seat. She kept moving around and elbowing me because the seats at Wharton are so narrow that she spilled over into my seat.

They play was pretty good even though we didn�t have all that wonderful of seats. And, unfortunately, that was the only thing I managed to accomplish today.

And it looks that it will be the only thing too.

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