Monday, Jun. 17, 2002 9:56 p.m.

Alas, another boring day at the office.

My boss did remember about my Simulink assignment and thus reminded me, yet again. All that this accomplished was reminding me, yet again, that he always gives me these impossible tasks that always result in me looking even dumber.

You know kids, I�m not your typical dizzy college girl.

Every assignment he gives me always gives me this sliver of hope that I�m really going to DO something; I�m going to prove my worth. Everyone will no longer look at me as the intern that wastes time for a hefty paycheck, but as someone who has a brain between those ears.

And every�.single�time I fail.

It�s very stressful to think about.

AC, the Coworker, and I were musing for the past couple weeks how if we got paid enough money and were guaranteed 40 hours per week that we�d give up corporate hell and become mallrats. I�d work at the mall again, seriously. I can�t take the responsibility of screwing up anymore.

Listen to this�.

I�m not sure if too many of you actually know very much about my job so I�ll give you a critical tidbit of information. As part of the project that I�m on, I have to run various tests on vehicles that are very stringent in their setup and application. My boss is very anal about the setup of the experiments and gets very angry when data doesn�t turn out correctly. He gets so angry that I literally fear telling him things sometimes. Well, today, he asked to review some of the data that AC and I had gotten from some of the tests.

Ok, before we even ran the tests, we had him look at the setup to OK it because he had vetoed many other setups before and we thought that he was finally satisfied.


He looked at the data and started screaming.


I was about two seconds from saying, �EXACTLY WHAT YOU TOLD US TO DO!� but instead I walked away so that I could maintain my anger.

What I don�t get is that apparently he�s like this with everyone, not just those he has power over. Why the hell hasn�t he been reprimanded? Why the hell is it that a 21 year old intern has better people skills and control over her anger than a seasoned veteran of the engineering field?

And this, kids, is just an example of the myriad of things that happens to me at work. Don�t get me wrong, I like a lot of the people that I work with, but I�d rather just not have responsibility like that. I�d rather just fold clothes or something. I never used to value my mindless jobs and now I almost think that I was lucky�.

On a completely different subject�

I came home from work today and my mom was sitting on the couch mumbling something to herself. I fell for the bait and asked her what was wrong. She told me that she had received a bill from a collection agency for my phone line of $90. This is strange for two reasons: my mom would never forget to pay a bill and my phone line no longer is connected to a phone, but the computer.

I was actually worried for awhile that the number that I dial in from, the one that I�d set at my dad�s, was causing a long distance bill. I didn�t see how, considering my modem doesn�t dial an area code, but I was afraid that I had been missing something that was new in local phone services.

You have to understand my mom, when she starts to flip out, she just does not stop. I told her to call the phone company and she did. It turned out there was a $65 long distance bill for a 1-900 number. Apparently, my stepfather went to a site for two minutes that charged $30 a minute to your phone line. Pretty shady huh?

Well this started my mother snooping, so she went through all my stepfather�s old cookies and was looking at all the porn sites that he had visited. Then she started telling me that she�d done this before and that she�d gone through his email and stuff. She started flipping out thinking that he was cheating on her or that he would touch me or something weird like that.

I tried to calm her with a couple of facts: first, it�s just porn�not like every other male in the world doesn�t look at it, and second, it�s not like looking at porn is the first step to becoming a cheating husband.

Then I really started thinking about how distrusting my mother actually is. She always accuses me of lying or being shady even though I�ve been completely and utterly honest with her for the past couple years. My dad must have really screwed her up. I told her that if she was so curious that she should just hire a private investigator to follow him and be done with it. It�s not like she�s going to �trick� him into admitting anything.

I continued to think and began to think that maybe all those trips my mom makes to my room to �clean up� isn�t actually to clean up at all but actually to snoop. It�s not like she�s incapable of doing it. I always notice things being moved around in my room with some kind of excuse as to why it was necessary.

She claims that all she wants is that people be up front with her, but yet she acts so sneakily.

Strange, isn�t it?

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