Monday, Jul. 15, 2002 11:07 p.m.

I seriously can�t fuckin stand it anymore.

I need to get the FUCK out of this city and away from all these annoying people who think that they need to control my life.

I left work early today because I think I got sun poisoning from AC, the Coworker�s barbeque yesterday. I�m not sure why I wasn�t thinking, but I sat in direct sunlight for like two hours and hence created this ever-so-lovely sick feeling. Since our boss wasn�t in, I just finished my task and left.

Well, my mother came home early too because she had a migrane.

�Are you going to class?�

�I don�t know.�

�You should go to class.�

�I don�t know if I�ll feel well enough.�

�I don�t like it when you miss class.�

It was seriously like that. She didn�t pay attention to a single word that I said; it was like I wasn�t even there. I�ve told her about fourteen times that my grade doesn�t transfer because I�m only a guest student, however, again she has the listening problem. She still bothers me about missing class.

It�s pretty damn sad that I�m going into my fourth year of college, and yet my mother has no faith that I can get a 2.0 in a stupid, 200-level memorization class.

I couldn�t possibly get a 2.0�.no, it�s not possible.

I�ve only taken one of the hardest curricula in any university and managed to keep a 3.5. Oh yeah, and I�ve attended every class at MSU�

�yeah, right.

My mom needs to realize that she�s 50 years old and has already lived her life. However, I�m 21 and I�d like to have the freedom to control my own. I mean, what a hellion I am! I�ve never failed a class, so I think that she�d have a bit more confidence in me.

Then, of course, there is my father.

Oh yeah, he decided to start speaking to me yesterday after my mom called to see if he was getting insurance checks and not paying the doctors. I�m not exactly sure why he decided that was the time to break the grudge, but I�m still not happy with the situation.

Did he ask me if I was doing ok after my accident?


He certainly had time to ask me about money.

Well, just about a half hour ago, he called my cell phone to ask me if I was online. See he has AOL, which means that when I�m on the account, he can�t be, and vice versa.

�Are you online?�


�I need to get online.�


�I need to use my computer.�

�I said �OK�.�

�Yesterday you were online and you didn�t get off.�

�Yes, I did.�

�Well, I need to get online now; I need to do some banking.�

�I heard you, knock it off.�

�Why are you home?�

�Because I am.�

�Did you go to work?�

�This really isn�t any of your business�.�

�I need to get online.�

I seriously couldn�t take it anymore. What the hell is wrong with people over the age of thirty? Do they lose their hearing or something? I seriously can�t take this anymore. I just want to be left the fuck alone so that I can live my life in peace. I�m not a child anymore, and even though I don�t have complete financial independence, I do have a degree of independence that suffices.

Ugh�.must calm down�

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