Wednesday, Jan. 09, 2002 11:33 p.m.

Secret could hardly believe how tired she was at only 11:00 in the evening. It wasn�t as if she hadn�t gotten that much sleep, being able to sleep in relatively late on Wednesdays. Perhaps that whole responsibility thing had caught up to her.

After all, she had been attending class.

Her classes even seemed kinda cool.

One of her professors seemed somewhat creepy though. In the first class he just seemed nice and boring. However, sometime in the second class, Secret realized that it wasn�t that he was boring; there was something else. He spoke almost as if he was schizophrenic. He stared off in the distance and spoke quietly with very little inflection in his voice. He seemed so controlled and emotionless.

And of course, he reminded her of some kind of psychopath.

Nonetheless, Secret struggled to clear her mind of the strange thoughts and instead tried to focus on the lecture. It was trying, considering she kept imagining him stabbing someone with that same controlled look on his face.

That would certainly dissuade her from going to office hours.

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