Friday, Oct. 24, 2003 8:02 a.m.

There are a lot of things on my mind right now, surprisingly. I�m rather distressed by the fact that I can�t quite organize them all and go through each thought individually. It seems, more or less, that instead, one thought will pop into my head and I have to take care of it, no matter what I�m doing, immediately or I�ll forget it.

Well, the things that I noticed this morning were rather funny, so I�ll just talk about them really quickly.

1) I am counting down the 30 or so days that remain until I move. The insanity of living in my house is just becoming too much. For example, I noticed the other day that my stepfather has this body wash that he uses every single day in the shower, but that he hides it in his cabinet when he�s done with it. The normal thing, at least to me, is to leave all soap/shower products in the shower to use them continuously. I mean, I�ve gotten into the shower and realized that I�ve forgotten my facial cleanser and other things, so why mess with it?

The answer is that he is hoarding his body wash out of fear that someone may use it. I don�t know what would give him that impression, being as that I have my own, and it sits, every day, in the shower. My mother uses regular bar soap, so, again, I don�t know what gave him that idea. What I do find ironic, though, is that he takes special action to insure that no one uses his body wash, but every day, he uses my shampoo. What would happen, once it�s gone, if I simply didn�t buy any more, or hid my shampoo in my part of the cabinet? Would he seek it out? It sounds like a fun experiment to me!

2) If you are ever in search of finding someone who is in his prime with regard to anger, just simply look around when driving. I don�t really find driving to be all that stressful of an experience really. Even in heavy traffic, I don�t really get upset. I do notice the idiot drivers, but I don�t really let it get to me unless they do something dangerously stupid. However, I�m almost positive that if you look around, you will find a very angry driver somewhere within 100 yards of you. This morning, for example, I was fourth in line at a left turn. Since the traffic coming in the anti-parallel direction wasn�t really letting anyone turn, the only person who got to go when the light turned from yellow to red was the first guy in the turn lane. The second guy almost went, then changed his mind. The guy behind him [the one in front of me] went all psychotic, started honking, and waved his arms around like a lunatic. Why get so worked up about something like a left turn? It�s not like the light won�t turn back to green in a matter of minutes�

3) I am rather disturbed by this Florida vegetative woman thing. When I first heard about it, I was under the impression that the woman was basically in some kind of coma and was completely unresponsive to anything. However, as I paid more attention to it, I found that the woman actually does respond to her family members. She makes facial expressions, she laughs, she almost kinda speaks, actually. It�s not like the woman isn�t even awake�it�s more that she�s brain damaged.

Now, I�m not sure that I�d want to be kept alive by machines either when there�s no hope of me ever coming back, but it seems that the only thing wrong with this woman is that she�s severely brain damaged to the point that she can�t eat. It�s not like she�s not there and not ever coming back to the world known as consciousness; it�s not like she�s actually brain dead. So, I find myself rather disturbed that her husband would remove her feeding tube and literally starve her to death. That�s a very painful and upsetting way to die.

Actually, I think I�ve run out of things that I�ve noticed this morning. I do know, however, that another thought has popped into my head and I�d better take care of it before I forget�

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