Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2002 5:45 p.m.

Yeah, I�m definitely not going to come in to work on Friday. I have much too much to do and I�d rather get sleep than not, heh. Plus, I�d like to have some adequate study time for my final. I know that I only need like a 48%, but I�d prefer to have a bit of a cushion so I don�t spend all weekend biting my nails about whether or not I did ok.

B, the Boss, is just going to have to live without me finishing that C-code crap that he wanted me to do. Frankly, I�m at the point where I don�t really care. I often reach this same point after hours and hours of studying. It�s not like he�ll even remember what I did when I come back for Christmas.

So, on that note, instead of studying last night, I went to the mall. I couldn�t believe that I had the urge to go shopping, but for some odd reason I couldn�t stop thinking about it. So I got my ass up and went over to The Height�s only attraction: Lakeside.

It was like some kind of high school reunion.

As I was scurrying through Marshall Field�s, trying to get as quickly as possible to Express, I ran into an old high school acquaintance. She appeared to be doing well. She told me that her brother was getting married and that a couple of the people we knew from high school had plans to get married next summer.

Boy do I feel old.

We laughed and I noted that I�d actually taken a step back from marriage from high school. She said that she felt the same. Actually, I think these people are crazy to be getting married so young, but that�s my opinion.

Anyway, I moved on to Express where I ran into a girl that was in RHA with me at MSU. We talked for a bit and she sadly said that she�d already graduated, but there were no jobs out there. She had been forced to work at Express and live at home. I shuffled my feet and tried to empathize. At least she kept an upbeat attitude about her misfortune.

I walked around Express and realized that most of this season�s �hip� clothes actually suck. I can�t stand that whole Bohemian/Peasant thing, so my choices of �clubbing� clothes were limited to poofy, overpriced blouses that just wouldn�t work. I sighed and moved on to black pants.

I hate being this tall.

There are only a couple places that sell stylish clothes for tall people. Express is one of them. Express also marks up their clothes to ridiculous amounts. I�m not going to pay $50 for a pair of black polyester pants.

I found a couple pair of black pants and tried them on. They fit decently, so I bought them along with a clearanced top (one of the few that I actually liked).

I was still hell bent on finding tops though. I went to Bebe, but all I found was more of that overpriced peasant crap. I went to a couple other stores and found exactly the same thing. I�m really hoping that we outgrow that trend really quickly.

Right before I was about to turn around and give up, I spied a store in Lakeside that I�d never seen before: New York Company. I decided to give it a shot, even if it did look somewhat pricey.


That�s all I can say, wow!

I managed to get some supertrendy low-rise jeans for my height for $30. I normally pay $70-$80 for my jeans simply because I�m tall. I actually got a second pair for only $15, a cute belt for $12, and a decent looking peasant top for $8. I�m going to return the black pants I bought at Express and instead by some from NYCompany instead.

Too bad that they don�t have a store in Lansing.

As I was walking back toward Marshall Field�s, I passed Brookstone. I stopped to squish the fabric of their memory foam pillows that were right at the door.


I looked up and spied no one other than one of my first boyfriends. I don�t even really consider him one of my exes because we only saw each other for a little over a month.

�Oh hey, what�s up?� I asked, noticing that his arm was in a sling.

�Oh, this? Rollerblading accident. How have you been?�

�Not bad, just tired. I�ve been working a lot.�

�Oh,� he said in a melancholy voice, �you have a good job?�

�Yeah, I work full time.�

�Oh, and how�s school?�

�Not bad, I�m graduating next year. What about you?�

�I think I have two more years.�

�What�s your major?�

�Well, I don�t really have one, but I am kinda majoring in Geography with a minor in Political Science.�

�Oh�..� I said, trying to think of something to say about a major such as geography. I�m not exactly sure what you do with a degree like that.

�What about you?�

�Oh, I�m still electrical engineering.�

His face fell and I almost started to feel bad.

�Well, that�s��that�s just great.�

�Yeah, actually, I have a job offer.�

�Oh for an internship?�

�No, for a job.�

His face fell again. I was starting to feel really badly for even stopping in the store.

�Well that�s good. You�ll be done then?�

�Well, actually, I�m going to go to law school.�

�Oh�� he said with that little voice again.

�Is there some kind of problem?�

�Well, no, it�s just that you�re doing so well�.I�m happy for you.�


�School is just annoying for me. It�s like I go to school just to go to school. I don�t really do anything special.�

�Oh I�m sorry to hear that�� I said, starting to realize that the mall was closing and I was going to miss Smallville if I didn�t get moving. I talked with him for a bit longer and started to book it toward my car. I saw a couple other people from high school, but didn�t bother to stop. I wasn�t being rude; I just wanted to go.

I watched Smallville with my mom and realized that it was obviously too late to study, heh. I talked to people over AIM for a bit and went to bed.

This morning/afternoon, AC, AD, and I went to Dearborn to learn how to �solder�. Actually, the intention was to learn as much about the lab as we could, but we spent quite a bit of time soldering together a 555 timer circuit. I was pretty impressed that mine worked on the first try without having to use the �solder sucker� and reposition a few of the components.

It makes me wonder why B, the Boss, was such an asshole that he didn�t let us take an afternoon at the beginning of the summer to learn how to do this. I could have been a lot more productive if he hadn�t held me back like he usually does.

Grrrrrrr��.I wonder if you can tell how much I hate working for him.

Now, I�m sitting here waiting for class, trying to decide whether or not to stay. We�ll see.

Oh�on another note�.

To people who are offended by this�.actually�no, I�m not going to say I�m sorry. If you�re offended, I�m sorry that you�re taking my opinion personally. I�m not going to be sorry for my opinion.

Anyway, I really don�t see the point of posting on an online diary if you�re going to post a sentence saying that you�re tired, nothing happened, and you�ll update later. That�s just stupid. I know that no one�s life is exciting all the time, which is why most people don�t update every day. But I know that some people, even if their lives are not exciting, still manage to type out at least a paragraph about something that�s interesting to read. It doesn�t have to be about your day. It doesn�t have to be about anything. The whole point of having a diary, at least I think, is to express your feelings. If you have nothing to say or have no feelings, then I�m sorry, maybe you shouldn�t have a diary for the world to read.

Actually, I bet a few of you are wondering why I would get irritated by someone else�s diary. Well, I can sum it up as best as I can with an analogy. When asked if Madonna was a good actress, Jennifer Lopez replied that no, she wasn�t. The reason it �upset� J-Lo that Madonna was in movies, even if J-Lo didn�t bother to see them, was that she didn�t like someone �spitting on her craft�. Granted, J-Lo�s not that great of an actress either, but I think the quote fits.

Anyway, maybe I should try that whole studying thing now�

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