Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2004 4:01 p.m.

Please be sure to check my previous entry from today by clicking HERE.

Now, as much as I hate resolutions, I really didn�t mind answering these questions that I found.

1) What one material object would you like to buy for yourself in the coming year?

Just one? LOL I�m just kidding. I think that I�d like to buy a new bike this year.

2) What one place you�ve never been would you like to visit in the coming year?

There�s talk of B and I taking a trip to Colorado. I�ve never been there.

3) What one activity would you like to experience, accomplish, or complete in the coming year?

Activity, huh? I think that I�d like to go through boot camp.

4) What one physical or health issue would you like to deal with or resolve in the coming year?

I�d like to find out what the hell those random chest pains are that I get every now and then.

5) What one family or relationship issue would you like to change or resolve in the coming year?

See, this one I refuse to believe is my fault. I�d love to be able to communicate with my mother without her getting all upset, but I�m not sure that�s ever going to happen.

6) What one work issue would you like to change, resolve, or accomplish in the coming year?

I�d like to be more assertive at work. I�m taking some steps to get there.

7) What one new thing would you like to learn in the coming year?

I think that I�d like to learn how to off-road cycle. I�ve done spinning and it�s not entirely a challenge anymore.

8) What one personal issue or habit would you like to change, resolve, or improve in the coming year?

I think I�d like to be more organized, to tell you the truth.

9) What one thing are you willing to either take action on or quit complaining about in the coming year?

Hahahaha! Quit complaining?! I guess I should be more honest to people instead of wondering why they do the things they do. I guess I should just ask instead of complaining about not understanding them.

10) What one fantasy or adventure would you like to experience in the coming year?

Fantasy or adventure�.hmmmm��[gets mind out of gutter] Strangely enough, I�d like to do some kind of athletic competition.

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