Tuesday, May. 13, 2003 10:43 p.m.

I really am beginning to hate children.

I don�t mean small children, but, of course, I wouldn�t want one right now. I�m talking about teenagers. I really can�t even stand them. There are always exceptions to the rule, but generally, I can�t stand their obnoxiousness.

Take today as an example.

I was at the gym today (btw, I got my ass whooped by a 5 month pregnant spinning instructor). I got out of the shower and went back to my locker to change. Now the locker at my gym is very very elaborate. There are like four or five areas that are just lockers, like big cubbys. It�s like they have three walls with just lockers. The open side of the cubby faces the bathrooms, the mirrors, the shower area, etc.

Anyway, I get to my locker and there�s this cluster of teenage girls being really loud and obnoxious. I went about my way to ignore them. The problem began, however, when I noticed a flash go off.

The girls were taking pictures of each other.

No, they weren�t taking pictures of each other naked. They were taking group pictures of themselves, fully clothed, in the locker room. They weren�t even being intelligent about it though. It�s not like they had the group being pictured up against the lockers so there�s nothing that could possibly be in the background. In fact, they were having the picture taker leaning against the lockers.

I was at the end of my rope, however, when a few of the girls decided to sit down on the bench, while someone took a picture, that would leave me changing in the background.

�Girls, can you not take pictures where people are changing? It�s pretty rude. How about you go outside?�

�You won�t be in the picture.�

�I don�t know that. Go outside.�

�Screw you!� one of the girls said. I shrugged and went to get the manager.

I explained to him that I wasn�t comfortable with girls taking pictures in a women�s locker room. I personally don�t know that I wasn�t caught in the background of the pictures, or anyone else for that matter (or even the small children that are changing in there as well). I don�t know that a picture of me couldn�t end up on the internet somehow and guess who would be responsible for not telling them to leave?

Anyway, the manager was disgusted with the girls� idiotic behavior, confiscated their camera, and destroyed the film. The problem lay in that one of the girls ran off, crying, to her parents. Her parents came running up completely flabbergasted as to why the film was destroyed.

It boggles my mind as to why someone wouldn�t see how stupid teenage girls running around with a camera in a place where women and small girls are changing is a problem.

Anyway, they argued with me, argued with the manager, basically showing the girls that they shouldn�t respect authority and that they should have a license to run around and do whatever they want, whenever they want.

If it were my kid, I would have admonished her for such stupid behavior and then told her to apologize to the woman that she offended, especially if she was the one that said �screw you�. Kids today barely respect authority as it is, and it�s their stupid, dumbass parents that are enforcing it.

It�s like my aunt, who tells my delinquent cousin that the reason his grades are bad is because of the teacher.

Give me a break.

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