Friday, Jan. 10, 2003 9:08 p.m.

Oh it feels good to have a nice clean room and a nice clean apartment.

I went out last night for the first time this semester. Our venue of choice this time was Sparty�s.

I know, ghetto.

Anyway, I�d had no plans to go out. I was out with AC, the Coworker, taking care of some downtown business. I had to buy my religion books at a specific bookstore which was near Barnes and Noble. I picked up my two cookbooks with the giftcard that my uncle and aunt gave me. Then, while AC and I were looking at used CD�s at this CD store, her friend [the one that got shaved on New Year�s] CC, the Bald, called and invited us to Sparty�s with his floormates.

This was, of course, after we�d eaten a huge meal.

Well, I dropped her off and went back to my apartment to get ready. I put on my eyeliner while watching Friends and later I took pictures of my outfits with my digital camera so AC could say �yay� or �nay�.

Heh, technology.

I drove over to her place and we enjoyed a couple of Coronas with lime and waited for our cab [which took an hour]. The driver was somewhat creepy and he wasn�t driving the normal Big Daddy Taxi ghetto van, but instead a somewhat new minivan.

Big Daddy must be doing well.

He gave us his number, which seemed strange, in case we needed a ride back. We went in and it became quite an experience.

Thankfully, they had $1 34 oz. beers to calm my shock.

CC, the Bald, wasn�t at the table, but AC recognized his roommate. It turned out that CC was out dancing on the dancefloor. Man, I wish that I�d brought my camera. When he came back, he introduced us to all of his friends [he introduced me to everyone as �Gina� since he can�t remember my actual name]. One of them said to me, �Are you a dancer?�

Am I a dancer?

Was he kidding? Did he mean a stripper dancer or a ballet dancer? Either way, I was pretty damn impressed with the complement. He turned out to be CC�s RA and we talked for awhile about his major [economics] and other things.

As the night wore on, I was on my third giant beer. I�d enjoyed a dance with a 6�6� floormate of CC�s to �Cotton Eyed Joe� which was actually fun.

Things started to get strange after that.

During two of my trips to the bathroom, weird things were going on. The first time, there was a girl proudly showing off her new jeans from Express. Then this other girl piped in and said, �Those are from Express? I didn�t know they made pants that big.� This resulted in a hair-pulling catfight.

The second incident in the bathroom, I walked in to find this girl frantically feeling herself up. It turned out that her nipple ring was stuck on her shirt and she couldn�t unhook it.


Then, AC, CC, and I saw a guy literally carried out by bouncers. I�m not sure exactly what he did, but he wasn�t struggling. I joined CC�s RA to watch a couple games of pool between their fellow floormate and random people.

I have never seen people do so well at pool. I was so envious.

While they played, CC�s RA and I talked and flirted. He was so nice and I was really having such a great time. Inevitably, though, the night had to end. Right before the closing lights came on, this guy came over to me and said, �You are so beautiful, I just had to come over here and talk to you.�

He started talking to me and AC was standing there. I managed to pawn him off on her while I could tell CC�s RA of the situation. AC said, �Hey J, look at his tattoo� and walked away. He had the initials �PJ� on his neck, which he told me belonged to his one and a half year old daughter.

I don�t know what he was trying to do, but you don�t pick up girls by mentioning you have a kid.

Well CC�s RA stepped in and said that he was my boyfriend to try to get the guy to shove off. The guy responded that he wasn�t looking for a relationship and that he only wanted some girl friends to hang out with at the bar. CC�s RA told him to go home to his daughter after the guy had repeatedly tried to make me and every other girl nearby drink out of his beer pitcher.

Was it drugged? Sheesh.

CC�s RA left before us and regrettably, he did not ask for my number. He did seem interested in me, but alas, I didn�t luck out this time. I know which building he�s an RA in and I do have CC, but I�m not sure if I should push it, especially since I was pretty buzzed while all of this was going on.

Oh well.

AC and I waited for our taxi while a couple of CC�s creepy floormates were hitting on us. Then freshman started to hit on us. Finally, I got sick of waiting for Spartancab and took out the Big Daddy cabbie�s number, but he was already there.

Yeah, I�ve never had Big Daddy just �waiting� for me before.

We went back to AC�s where I put on my jammies and she called one of our younger coworkers. Apparently she talked to him until 4:30 in the morning.

It was a pretty fun night, but Sparty�s is so ghetto.


It doesn�t help that I ran into a whole bunch of obnoxious people from my floor there, including AC, the Annoying Guy that Formerly Lived Down the Hall.


Anyway, I�m off to clean some more.

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