Thursday, Apr. 04, 2002 4:14 p.m.

Today�s entry is gonna be a whole lot of Britney bashing.

I found this article on

�Was that Britney Spears or some impersonator smoking up a storm earlier this week?

Sources report that someone looking a lot like the belly-baring singer was puffing away on Marlboro Lights at Joseph�s, the hot Los Angeles restaurant where she was also spotted tearing up the dance floor.

Spears� publicist didn�t respond to requests for comment, but in the past, the singer has spoken out against smoking. She has, however, also spoken out against drinking and premarital sex, and has been hounded by rumors that she doesn�t abstain from those either.�

Why does this not shock me? Britney�s already been caught swearing when her mic was still on. Here was another article:

�Is Pepsi pitchwoman Britney Spears giving up junk food? Spears� mother, Lynne, disclosed on the singer�s Web site that because she is at a high risk for getting cancer, Britney and the entire Spears family have gone on a new, super-healthy diet and fitness regime.

ALTHOUGH LYNNE SPEARS doesn�t give specifics, one news report quotes �sources close to the singer� as saying that the �family�s diet, drawn up with the help of a personal dietician, includes giving up junk food, fattening snacks and sugary drinks.� There�s some irony � some might even say hypocrisy � in Spears� new diet, given that she makes millions encouraging others to drink Pepsi. The company that makes Pepsi also makes snack foods such as Fritos and Cheetos.

�For years, Britney has preached modesty and virginity, then dressed provocatively,� says one Britney critic. �So this seems to be another case of her not practicing what she preaches.�

Spears� publicist didn�t respond to requests for comment. �This is the first I�ve heard of it,� said a Pepsi spokesman, but he said the singer�s new diet won�t change her status as a pitchwoman for the soft drink company. When asked if Pepsi applauds or disapproves of Britney�s new, healthy diet, the spokesman said, �I can�t comment beyond what I�ve said.��

First of all, I could care less if Britney smokes, drinks, eats junk food, or sucks giant cock every day and twice on Sundays. She�s almost 21 years old, and these are all things that 21 year olds try and experience in their youth. What bothers me is that she does, in fact, preach all this bullshit because of the kindergarteners that listen to her music. Yeah, preach chastity, then release a single called, �I�m a slave 4 u�, that makes sense. It�s not entirely her fault that she acts like a complete hypocritical moron. The media, after all, does idolize her and snatch up every newsworthy piece of information about her at every chance that they get. Do I care what�s in Britney�s trash? No.

All Britney is is some southern white-trash, over hyped, non-talented freak show. She�s not attending college, has never said anything about some alternate career (because pop singing will last forever) and I�m not even sure that she�s even graduated from high school. Yeah, she aspires to be like Madonna, another poser that goes with whatever trend will sell at the moment. That�s a good goal.

So, does a white trash, high school dropout with breast implants and three layers of foundation on so that she looks like a human being, hypocrite make me want to drink Pepsi? No. In fact, it makes me want to drink Coke. All day. The fact that Britney plugs Pepsi makes me want to charter a 747 and drive it into Pepsi�s headquarters (forgive the 9/11 joke) while gathering a group of anti-Britney activists strung out on Coke, Cherry-Coke, and Dr. Pepper (whichever company it belongs to) and drive over to LA and find Britney, tie her up, pour gasoline down her throat so we can rid this world of her pathetic voice and light a match. Then we could all dance around the fire, wildly and taunt her by saying, �You�re not a girl, but not yet a woman? You�re nothing now BITCH!!!!!!!!!� Then after she was burned to a crisp, we would spread her ashes all over the world so there was no chance of cloning her whatsoever.

In the immortal words of a diaryring I belong to, �SPEAR BRITNEY!!!!!!!!!!�

Heh. Sorry, I�ve been having violent dreams lately.

Anyway, as for today�.

I awoke with the familiar sound of my phone alarm going off and the ever familiar movement of hitting the snooze button (yes, my phone does have a snooze button.) After a few times of doing this, I evaluated whether or not I should go to class and since I had nothing to lose by getting out of bed and venturing all the way to the other side of campus for fifty minutes, I decided to get up. Besides, I had to give some guy in my class my labs to copy from (we have a mutual homework agreement). So I sat up and realized that I really had to go to the bathroom.

I went to my computer, opened the documents as fast as possible and hit the print button. Then I knocked on the bathroom door.

�Just a minute�� the voice of my suitemate greeted me.

She�s always in the bathroom when I have to be in there. Considering I had about five minutes before I had to leave for class, I looked around quickly for something I could do to save time. I got dressed and loaded up my backpack. Just as I was about to knock again, the shower started.

I was about two second from busting through that door and strangling her. There have been many a times I�ve been late on Thursdays because my suitemate insists on taking four showers a day. You don�t tell someone, �just a minute� and START THE DAMN SHOWER.

So, I did what any logical person would do: I started pounding on the door. She opened it with a sleepy look on her face. I had to restrain the side of me that wanted to scream at her while I politely said, �Can I please go to the bathroom, wash my face, and brush my teeth?� She nodded after a moment�s contemplation and turned off the shower.

I, then, did my best to move as quickly as possible to leave the bathroom to her. I ran back out, expecting my labs to be printed so I could grab them and go.

Oh no, my printer must have taken initiative from a turtle. It took an additional ten minutes for the labs to finish. I looked at the clock feverishly until an idea struck me.

It would be faster to go to X-lot and get my car and drive to class, even if I was risking a parking ticket. I got my bike and rushed out the door when the labs were printed. I had forgotten, however, that my bike tires were near flat so I had a helluva time pedaling to the lot.

When I had gotten to my car and started driving, the parking issue suddenly hit me. It wouldn�t be a problem of the meter running out if there were no meters.

My fears were assured when I drove around four separate buildings looking for a free meter. After about five minutes of looking, I started driving around for another ten looking for any spot at all, employee, illegal, or meter. Finally, I spotted some guy who was leaving and stole his spot from another person seeking parking.

So I arrived in class fifteen minutes late and picked up my exam.



And, of course, the guy who I was bringing the labs to was not there.


So I listened to my professor drone on. I hate going to that class. The professor doesn�t live in reality. She has no idea what she�s talking about most of the time. She wastes my time and I learn absolutely nothing.

Right near the end of the class, the guy that I was trading the labs with showed up. Apparently he had the same problem with parking that I�d had. He showed me something neat though: a barcode that he uses to get free parking by the stadium.

That may prove useful next year.

Nothin much else has happened. So�


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