Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 12:02 p.m.

I must have missed something when moving into this complex. I must have missed the clause in the lease that says that you have to be incredibly stupid and immature to live here. Yesterday was the pinnacle of this observation.

On my way to my car to go to the gym, sometime around noon, I saw a guy walking in or out of an apartment, but just pissing on the sidewalk.

Yes, that�s right, it was the middle of the day and I saw someone pissing on the sidewalk.

He made absolutely no effort to hide it either, waving at me. Now, there are a few key points that I don�t seem to get. 1) It was the middle of the day, not some drunken Friday night where random people who don�t even live here are walking around in need of a bathroom. 2) They were coming out of or going into someone�s [if not their] apartment. It�s like a bunch of animals live here.

Last night only confirmed that.

I decided to stay in because of the nasty weather that was coming [an ice storm]. I wasn�t really enjoying the idea of standing out in the cold, waiting in line at a bar, in sub-zero temps with ice raining down on me. Also, I was tired. It�s not that I had some kind of big day. All I did was clean up, cook, and start my homework. I decided to keep up with my latest trend of going to bed early.

It appears that the people who live in the building behind me didn�t get the memo.

I realize that it�s a Friday night and people are going to be louder than usual. I mean, I�ve gotten used to the morons that live upstairs with their lead feet and their neighbors with the constant bass. I wasn�t about to get up and bitch at them at 11:30 on a Friday night. I�m not that old, yet. No, no, I could care less if someone throws a party.

However, when the party turns into a slew of girls standing on the balcony, literally screaming, while the guys are in the courtyard below, naked, and pounding on people�s windows, I get a little pissed off. I mean, only underage morons would be that stupid when drunk.

The paradox of the situation lies, however, in that if you�re underage, drunk, and being stupid, you don�t want to advertise it to the entire neighborhood, especially with how often the cops frequent my complex. I also just don�t get the nakedness. I mean, for Heaven�s sake, there�s an ice storm going on, and you wanna show off how small you are in subzero temps or possibly slip and fall on your exposed ass?

Not that I�d care if that happened, but I just don�t understand what kind of alcohol they were drinking that killed as many brain cells as to result in that behavior. I mean, I�ve gotten drunk before. I�ve done stupid things. I�ve never gotten naked to run around in front of my friends because�.I don�t think they want to see that and I value warm skin much more than stupidity. And what the hell is up with guys getting naked in front of other guys and taking pictures of it? I thought guys were all squeamish about seeing other guys naked. Does the homophobia not apply when killing brain cells?

Anyway, I gave them a few chances to shut up, figuring one naked run around the neighborhood would be enough. I gave them another chance. But it appears that the nakedness and stupid girl screaming was NOT going anywhere. Therefore, I called the cops. Apparently, I wasn�t the only one. They shut up rather quickly after that.

Mannnnnnn�.I don�t wanna do the crapload of homework I have due next week. I could screw around for the rest of the day, work out, play my new video game, and whatnot, but then next week will suck. I suppose I should just try and get it over with.

It appears, once and for all, I will not be getting a job with the company I interned with. I emailed my contact, asking how the head count meeting went. It did not go well. In fact, they�re probably going to be laying people off.

I�m so glad that I wasted three summers with a terribly run company, under the thumb of the boss from hell. Man, if I had known this is how it would have ended up, I would have studied abroad instead of trying to further my �career�.

I guess God opened another window for me though. When I first heard from my contact, I went on an applying spree, putting in something like 30 apps at various companies. A couple of days ago, I decided to skip class, and received a phone call from the same company I interviewed with in California. I had gone on their website and applied for some new openings. Well, I caught the eye of the Arizona office and they called to see if I was still interested.

It�s not much, but it�s something.

My mom keeps saying over and over that she thinks I�m going to get a job, but out of state. That really doesn�t bother me. I�ve always been able to adapt. Besides, Michigan is going downhill, and I definitely don�t want to be constrained to the auto industry. Of course, now she has me thinking about the habitability of Arizona.

Spiders, scorpions, snakes�.who the hell would want to live in that? My mother talked to one of her friends that lives in rural Arizona and she mentioned something about tarantulas being ten inches big when stretching themselves out.

Dear Lord, ten inch spiders?!

Of course, I can�t jump to conclusions yet. I need to keep my focus and keep putting in applications.

On another note, I believe that my entire family is coming in for graduation again. That would be nice to see them all again. I saw my aunt when I was in California in November, but I haven�t seen my crazy uncle in quite awhile. I was hoping to surprise them as the commencement speaker, but I lost out to a better speech.

The other day, I forgot how old I was again. Not that I�m old, but�you know what I mean. I was just thinking to myself, and I realized that I have four weeks until graduation. I�ve been looking forward to this day for quite awhile, but with it approaching, I�ve become surprisingly ambivalent. I mean, on one hand, I don�t want to leave, but on the other, I need to get away from all the stupid drunks that are still here. I was stuck in the mindset that I was still eighteen.

Ah�the days of being eighteen. I spent an entire summer going from graduation party to graduation party, hanging out, [not] sunning myself, no job, and unfortunately, a broken ankle toward the end. The geek school has sent out numerous emails about a reunion this coming July or June. It would be so nice to see all of them. I often wondered what happened to the people I shared four years with�and many crazy antics. I just hope that I have a job, but also that I�m able to come back if I�ve left the state. At first, I thought the idea was hokey, but it�s become really important to me to return and see everyone.

I had a small reunion this past summer when people came over for K�s Welcome Home from Japan party. It was mostly my dual high school crew, but man�it was so nice to see everyone and to see how much they�ve all grown up. You can�t really notice these things when you�re constantly around someone. It�s good to see that the futures seemed to work out for everyone.

And with that�I�m going to go back to finishing my laundry�

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