Friday, Jan. 31, 2003 3:09 p.m.

Ugh, I feel more and more like crap. The most upsetting thing to me about this cold is my inability to work out. I�m feeling more and more guilty as time goes on, but alas, there�s nothing I can do. I can�t breathe through my nose long enough to get my heart rate up.

In fact, all I�ve done today was lie in bed. It felt pretty good to just keep on sleeping, but my sinuses aren�t any better really. Hopefully, by tomorrow I�ll be able to go to the gym.

On another note, AC, the Coworker, invited me over to her place for dinner tonight. It struck me, as I agreed, that I�d never been over to a friend�s place to eat a dinner that they�d cooked before. Either my friends cannot cook or they don�t have their own places, so it�s hard to make dinner. I�ve thought about it, but I�m not too confident in my cooking skills. I mean, I�m not a bad cook; I�m better than most. I just seem to lack creativity and means.

It�s getting hard to type with the cat draped over the monitor so haphazardly. He�s cute, but he�s not translucent. I think I�m just gonna quit while I�m ahead. I don�t have much else to say anyway.

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