Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003 12:33 p.m.

My other entry from today.

I�ve noticed lately that I know a lot of people who seem to go looking for drama. I mean, the number is much less than it used to be, especially after we outgrew those awful high-school mindsets. However, there�s still those people that no matter what cards they are dealt, they are unhappy.

�Nobody loves me�� I�ve heard that one a lot, especially on Valentine�s Day. I don�t seem to understand why people think that they need a girlfriend or boyfriend in order to be happy with themselves. That�s one of the worst lines of thinking that I�ve ever heard. I�ve heard it mostly from men lately [maybe that�s because I know more of them�who knows?]. Anyway, I know of at least 3 or 4 guys that seem to mope around because they�re lonely, and then wonder why no one likes them.

Try not moping maybe?

It�s been argued that women have a stronger threshold for physical pain. I believe that not only that is true, but that they can also handle emotional strain a lot better than guys. I don�t know too many girls who go into crisis every time they�re rejected by a guy. Perhaps in a situation in which they were really close to the guy, dating the guy, or whatever they�ll be broken up�.but not when they�ve just simply been rejected by someone they were interested in.

What�s another one I�ve heard recently?

�I have no money�� Yeah, no one does. Get a job.

�I�m in debt�� see above.

�I�m constantly failing [school, jobs, etc]�� This one is a bit tough. I mean, I understand that after so much emotional strain that some people no longer want to try because they�re just simply broken. However, it�s not like you�re not in control of that vicious cycle. Fight against the grain, finish what you start, etc. It�s not that hard to do well if you have the right mindset. Sometimes, people are just lazy.

I know a few people, guy and girl alike, who sometimes can�t even define their problems. It�s often hidden behind a veil of �I don�t want to talk about it, it�s too painful� or �you wouldn�t understand� or even �it�s too complicated�. To me, that�s a load of bull so that you can have some kind of excuse to be unhappy and get attention. How do I know? I used to be like that. These are the people that get on my nerves. Maybe I just got too methodical in being able to break down my problems, but I don�t think that anything is ever that bad�at least not in this part of the world that we live in. It�s like these people create some kind of mystery behind themselves, so that they can ensnare you, only to rebuke you when you ask about it.

Maybe they really don�t want to talk about it, but in my experience, it�s an attention-getting ploy. You want an example? Alrighty then�.

I�ve noticed a couple of people that I regularly talk to online post away messages that say that they�re in a bad mood, pissed off, upset, or simply that they don�t wanna talk. Alright, but my question is�.if you really don�t want to talk to anyone, why are you even online?

Yeah, I thought so. I even asked a few people that very question and the responses I got were either, �I don�t know� or �They really want someone to ask them why they feel that way.�

Alright, fine, you wanna fight inner demons without the help of people who want to help you? Go ahead. I much prefer it that way sometimes. However, don�t broadcast that you wanna be left alone on a public forum so that people will pay attention to you. If you don�t wanna talk to anyone, then sign off. That way, you can be sure to be left alone.

Then of course, there�s my personal favorite: the whiners. I know a lot of people who are this way. They whine about how crappy life is when they live in a house rent free and get to dawdle in various interests, instead of having to push those aside for real responsibilities. AC�s boyfriend was this way. He whined and whined and whined about how much life mistreated him, but did he ever raise a damned finger to do anything about it? No. Did he work to contribute to rent/food/utilities? No. Did he attend school to better himself? No. What did he do? He whined about how unhappy he was.

Yeah, load of crap.

Now, based on the previous few paragraphs, one would come to the assumption that either A) I�m perfect and never whine or act dramatic B) I�m a know-it-all. Granted, either can be true, but most likely, neither are. Everyone is entitled to their days where they act like a bitch/whiner/child. No one can act all pristine and proper every hour of the day; who would want to? I�m talking about the people who are consistently in the rut of something going wrong. Whether it be dismissive friends, abusive girlfriends/boyfriends/parents, failing in school, quitting jobs [this one, I�m guilty of], serious credit card debt, etc., they are on the front lines like test-subjects, waiting to be signed up for the next malady. There is a difference between having the average [or in some cases, worse than average] luck regarding problems, and flat out looking for things to ruin your life. I mean, after all, who gets the most sympathy? Someone who has a lot of shit going wrong [believe me, I know].

There is a point, however, where you have to say, �I�m not going to let this get to me� and suck it up. I know it�s not fair. I know it�s hard. I know all about it, but there�s a point where the excuses run out and all you�re left with is self-inflicted misery. And, I�m not even sure that there is a person out there who really, truly, does enjoy misery.

Now, I pretty much know that I�m going to get the person or two who is going to think that I�m talking about them specifically. Let me tell you right now, I�m not. I am talking about a very wide range of people; some of which I don�t even talk to anymore.

Oh, and in case you haven�t read it yet, read my other entry from today.

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