Monday, Feb. 24, 2003 12:26 p.m.

Oh btw, here�s my other entry from today.

I just read this on this webpage I frequent:

�CBS executives are deeply concerned that Sunday night's Grammy Awards may turn from a celebration of music -- into a giant anti-war politically rally. Word has reached network suites how at least one star is allegedly planning a dramatic anti-war gesture. During this week's Brits award show, Coldplay's Chris Martin yelled out to the audience: "We are all going to die when George Bush has his way. But at least we are going to go out with a bang." Sheryl Crow wore an anti-war t-shihrt at the American Music Awards. CBS executive warned microphones may be unplugged on Sunday night if things turn political.�

I wanna know why CBS would censor them. I mean, they�re music artists, I�m surprised that they even have a stance, let alone, an intelligent one [not that all artists are stupid, I mean, Eminem now has his own clothes line]. Why is CBS so afraid of things turning political? Are they afraid of changing the focus from music to current events, or are they afraid of insulting the president? Who cares either way? If the artists, themselves, want to shift the focus away from themselves [which would be a welcome change in my opinion] and they want to bring to light the atrocities of President Bush, then what is wrong with educating the American public. What is wrong with letting the younger generation, some of whom will be able to vote in the next election, know exactly what their president is doing to the country?

Why censor awareness?

I�m so goddamn sick of people trying to ignore the huge problem that we�re facing as a country. Not only that, we�re not the only country in the world facing this. If we go to war, we�re going to drag the world into it, willingly or not.

I really don�t understand how someone as dumb as Bush actually got into office. What the hell does that say about the generation of voters [I was one of the �new� voters in the election] that put him in office? Oh wait, I forgot, he didn�t actually win the election.

So�in the little over two years that he�s been president, the economy has gone to hell, to the worst point its been in for years, we have a country that was a moderate threat [N. Korea] suddenly start pointing nuclear missiles at LA, terrorists flying planes into buildings, a �war on terror� that has lasted a year and a half [yet, we still haven�t caught Bin Laden], and a possible third world war on Iraq [with virtually no worldwide support] over oil.

Yeah, it�s great being in your twenties with a former drunk and drug addict in office. And television executives want to censor this. They want the public to remain and stupid as they were when Bush got into office. Maybe they�re part of it all, part of the war propaganda perpetuated by Bush.

Oh btw, here�s my other entry from today.

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