Saturday, Jan. 25, 2003 6:22 p.m.

I swear that I�m not gonna drink like that again.

I felt so disgusting yesterday. It was probably close to the worst I�ve ever felt after a night out, and I swear that I didn�t even drink that much. I hate it when a bunch of circumstances loop together and create situations like that.

I think it all started with dinner. I didn�t have much to eat, just a bowl of pasta because I was going to spinning and I didn�t want to have a full stomach. Well, spinning ended up being a lot more intense than I thought, and I remember the warning of the instructor that we should all drink a lot of water because of how much we lost during the class. I didn�t really have enough time to replenish myself before I had to get ready to go out.

I really should have just said no.

Well, I got ready and I think I was getting tipsy before we�d even left. I�d only had two beers and a couple of shots. Then we went to two bars where I think I had only another 2 drinks. I was completely wasted. We stayed at the one bar for awhile, but then RP, the Roommate, and her boyfriend left, leaving me with his roommate. That�s about the end of where I remember.

I know that I obviously got home ok, probably a taxi, and I passed out in my bed, wearing my pajamas. So, it appears that I was able to function alright but I felt like complete crap when I woke up.

Ugh, I was so useless yesterday. From now on, I�m sticking to beer, and drinking minimally. Screw that. I don�t even enjoy getting drunk anymore.

I�m getting old, heh.

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