Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 1:23 p.m.

I had some strange dreams last night.

First I dreamed that I was meeting with my VHDL group about our proposal that is due on Thursday. The first strange thing that I noticed was that AC was in this group. We started being catty with each other, and finally it lead to a full fledged argument about the Spring Break incident. After experiencing her arguing with me before we left, the dream argument, no doubt, would be fitting for her personality.

It just furthers my resolve that she will never understand, so there�s no need to continue to think about handling the situation in the future.

The second strange thing to happen in the dream was that I was getting awfully close to one of my group members. I don�t know how, but we ended up in the hammock that I own, but in someone else�s basement. Nothing was going on, except that I was leaning against him.

The rest of the dream I can�t really remember.

I had a second strange dream after I decided not to go to class today. I reset my alarm for ten, and I dreamed about helping plan RP�s wedding. I had this burning desire to help design her wedding invitations. Her mother showed me a book in which she kept all of the invitations she�s received through the years to give me ideas. RP was off in a corner with some girl picking out bridesmaid dress designs. In my dream, the design I concocted was wonderful. However, when I woke up, I realized how gaudy the design actually was.

I know the subconscious meaning behind the first part of the first dream. It�s quite obvious. However, I have no idea what the other two incidents mean.

Oh well. I always seem to have the weirdest dreams�.

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