Thursday, Jun. 13, 2002 9:13 a.m.


Does anyone know of any good, quick, easy remedies for sore muscles?

It used to be that I would get a sore neck and back after doing 8 hours of hard work, meaning when I was doing menial labor at Meijer, Target, and Dave and Busters. Or, sometimes, my back and neck would hurt when I was working on the cars or doing tests here.

Now, I can sit here at my desk and my neck will hurt before lunchtime.

The question is, is this really from my accident? Is it some kind of added stress thing? Or is it my mind unconsciously trying to make my neck hurt so that I can play wounded?

That would be the question, wouldn�t it? I really don�t give a damn about the answer; I just want some results!

It turned out that on our third day of relative nothingness to do, AC, the Coworker�s, dad, who happens to work here, got sick of us doing nothing and sent out an email giving the other engineers free reign over us. Suddenly, I have actual work to do and I�m getting actual work experience on stuff that I �should have� known already.

At least I�m finally learning it.

Last night I essentially had a panic attack.

I started driving home from P, the Conqueror�s house after we had hung out (ie me taking care of him because he�s so sick and watching a movie in the process). It was my first experience driving in the dark since my accident. I crossed an intersection, saw headlights at my side and my heart started pounding. I had trouble breathing and I almost caused an accident by braking in the intersection. I pulled over and sat quietly in my car trying to calm down.

I didn�t realize that the accident would have any kind of psychological effects on me. The first accident that I was in didn�t really. I remember being kinda nervous about driving for awhile, but I got over it.

Well, after a bit of sitting there, I worked up the courage to try again. I�m not going to say that I triumphed over anything. I was just as scared going through all the intersections and I drove like a granny all the way home.

Driving in the dark is not going to be a fun nor welcome experience for me.

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