Thursday, Dec. 12, 2002 11:14 p.m.

Here�s a copy of a text message conversation I just had with the guy�.

Him: I�m freezing my testes off, wanna lick me?�

Me: I�ll lick you tomorrow but ONLY if you taste like chocolate.

Him: You won�t know if I taste like chocolate, unless you lick me�

Me: Ha ha, good point. I guess I�ll just have to trust you.

Him: Some parts taste like peanut butter, you may wanna lick around a bit.

Me: I like chocolate with peanut butter. Hey�you�re getting scary with the licking jokes. Are you drunk or making fun of me? =P

Him: I�m not drunk. I�m waiting in line to get drunk.

Me: I�m bored and tired of studying, wanna come lick me?

Him: Well why don�t you dress like a hooch and hit the town?

Me: I have a final tomorrow. I�ll drink enough for both days.

Me: Well save some drunkenness for me, otherwise the chocolate will be for naught.

Him: For sheezy

Me: Are you suuuuuuuure you won�t predrink with us?

Him: I�m not sure, we�ll have to see tomorrow.

Me: You will or no chocolate licking!

Him: Boooooooo!

The rest was just about the lines at the bars�which scare me for tomorrow and how cold it is. I really hope that we can get in tomorrow��

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