Friday, May. 17, 2002 2:18 p.m.

I�m tired.

I hate my job.

I know, I know, I�m paid decent money to sit on my ass, but I can�t really take doing nothing for too much longer. I�m tired of feeling so unproductive and useless. I hate the way the other engineers look at me as if my job was some kind of token gift. I have a lot of potential, dammit, and I want to use it. I want to be so busy that my days fly by and I start to feel good about myself again. It literally seems like I do nothing. I came in at 8, worked on the �actual� work I had to do for like an hour. Then I started looking around for things to do. I realized that I could finish this Excel spreadsheet thing, so I did that�.

�.and that�s where I�ve been stuck�..for like five hours now.

Oh sure, there are a few things that I could be doing that would help me learn so that I�ll have a few things to add to my resume and I won�t be bored later on, but alas, my fellow intern decided not to show up today.

She has the test plans�.

She also has the key to my desk, so I can�t open the drawer to get the �key� to the computer that has this new software on it.

So I can�t do either of those.


Instead, I�ve been really trying to find something to do but this is just typical of my boss. He likes to give me very little to do. He also manages to piss off just about everyone working here. Here is his strategy of doing things:

First, B, the Boss, is very anal. He likes things done his way, perfectly his way.

Second, he�s foreign, so his English isn�t all that wonderful.

Third, he seems to like playing this game where he gives us only half the information and expects us to figure out exactly what he�s thinking and get it perfectly right. If we do not get what he wants done perfectly to the expectations he holds, we either have to redo it, after he yells at us or he does, after he yells at us.

So kids, what does this mean?

It means that I�ve frantically gone through my coworker�s desk trying to find the key so that I can look semi productive and I won�t be screamed at.

Screaming at me today is going to result in one of three things: either I�ll cry, mouth off, or quit. I�m really not sure that I can take another summer of this.

At least it�s Friday.

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