Thursday, Jun. 20, 2002 10:28 a.m.

Sweet Lord!

I just checked what tuition costs on a whim because I was checking to see how much law school costs.

First of all, I'm not going to law school. To attend at the Detroit College of Law, the law school that is located directly on MSU's campus costs an ever-so-lovely $633 a credit hour. It would cost about $2000 per class.

Second of all, tuition for undergraduates at grand old MSU went up from $183 something a credit hour to $200 a credit hour.


The matriculation fee went up to $354 per semester and the engineering fee went up t $288 per semester. Therefore, just to graduate by taking the bare minimum 12 credit hours per semester that I need, I'd have to fork over $3042 not including books, not including taxes, not including whatever other random fee that MSU would like to pull out of their ass to rape all of their students with. In actuality, there are a couple classes that I would like to take, so let's just say that I'm taking 15 credit hours per semester:

15*200 = $3000

Matriculation Fee = $354

Engineering Fee = $288

Registration Fee = $25

Radio Station Fee = $3

State News Fee = $5

ASMSU (gov't) Fee = $13

Alright, for tuition alone, the grand total is.....

......$3688 per semester.


I hate to say it kids, but I'm not sure college is worth that ridiculous amount, especially since if they didn't require me to take a whole slew of BS classes, I'd be done in one semester instead of two....especially since I get charged that additional Engineering Fee for no apparent reason...especially since Engineering screws all their undergraduates over with scheduling...especially since I pay more than any other major in the University and enjoy being there less.... advice to all of you is "SCREW COLLEGE." I know, I know, this is easy for me to say since I'm graduating in a year, but I can tell you something for DAMN sure: I'm NEVER EVER giving these people any alumni donations.



Who does the University value above all?


Athletes get to enroll first; before Honors students, before the handicapped, before the other students that outrank them. Athletes are courted to go to MSU, they practically go for free and everything. Athletes get better food than everyone else. Athletes get anything they want; they can rape little girls, leave the school early to go pro, trash wherever they are....but EVERYONE loves them.

So, when MSU needs money, they should call the athletes they catered to instead of the actual graduates who went to the school for what it was designated for and were screwed over by the admin.

On another note, AC told me that she spoke to her father when they were driving home who had spoken to our boss after our meeting. Apparently our boss still thinks that the presentations are a bad idea and that we have no time, but the kicker is that he doesn't think I can handle being in charge of them.


Thanks for the boost of confidence there, I appreciate it. After all, he's the one that's supposed to have trained me, so he's basically saying he did a bad job.

I'm not competent enough to book a room, find a projector, and make 5 people my age say a few things about their summer?

Whatever, he's become such a tool that it's not even funny.

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