Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2003 10:14 a.m.

I really can�t wait until I can finally move out on my own. I don�t think I can handle having a roommate for much longer.

It�s not just her personally, it�s more that I can�t stand living with someone. I like things to be in the place that I put them. I like when the only messes around the apartment are mine. I **hate** picking up after someone else.

I guess Bandit got ahold of the vegetable peeler and dragged it from the kitchen to the bathroom. Well, yesterday, when I went to get something out of the bathroom, I noticed the peeler. My roommate was in the bathroom [with the curtain closed on the shower so that I could get what I�d forgotten in the bathroom] and I said, �What�s the peeler doing in here?�

I assumed that the cat had taken it. She responded that she thought it was weird that it was in the bathroom too.

If it was weird, and obviously out of place, why didn�t she pick it up and put it back? Does it not cross her mind to pick things up? Does she like crap all over the place? Why is it always left up to me to pick up everything?

This morning, the phone rang. The only reason I know the phone rang was because I have a phone in my room now. The other phone was off missing somewhere. Some guy asked for my roommate, and when I knocked on her door to look for her. I heard no answer, but I could see that a light was on. I opened the door to see that she�d left her halogen lamp on **all** night, and there was a big greasy plate of food on her desk **again**. Next to the plate of food was, of course, the phone.

What is so goddamn hard about putting your dishes away after you�re done using them? Jeez, we�re going to have bug infestations because she leaves her plates out for three weeks at a time. And�we�re going to have some kind of high-ass electricity bill because she doesn�t know how to turn off lights when she leaves a room. When I came home from class yesterday, both hall lights were on, the living room, the kitchen, and the bathroom. Where was she? In her bedroom with the door closed.

I really really can�t wait to have my own place. At least there, I�ll be responsible for only myself. All the bills will be mine and only mine. All the messes will be mine and only mine�

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