Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2003 9:55 p.m.

There is nothing like lying in a nice warm bed with freshly washed sheets on it. Oh, well, then add in some music. Now�all I need is a massage, a soothing facial, and some aromatherapy and I�d be set.

But wait�.that�s the dream of J who lives in �insanely rich world�. That J probably doesn�t have to work tomorrow. That J probably has never known stress. That J probably owns Coach�..

Moving on�.heh�.before I get too bitter�

So this weekend was pretty eventful and thankfully long. Of course, it was technically my long weekend. It started on Thursday when I left work and went to the gym. After the gym I drove over to B�s house to meet his friend who had come up from FL.

We drank some insanely high-alcohol content beer and I felt too tipsy to stay awake any longer. So I went to bed and woke up the next morning intent on accomplishing quite a few tasks.

I think I actually only finished two.

I did manage to make it to a real estate office to discuss the possibility of me getting a condo. At that time, I was sure that I was going to get a condo. Now, again, I�m not so sure that it�s a good idea.

Since I have doubts, I should obviously forgo the idea, right?

I mean, I�ll keep looking here and there until my final deadline approaches, but more than likely, I�ll probably move into an apartment.

I don�t really feel like discussing the disaster that was looking at condos. I�d prefer to save my angry entry for another day.

Anyway, during the evening, K, A, B, his friend, and I all went to see Underworld. I was expecting the movie to royally suck but to look cool. However, I was actually decently impressed by the plot. It was no Matrix, but it was definitely very interesting, interesting enough to be worth the money I paid for the tickets.

After the movie, we all ventured over to BW-3�s for some beer, and of course, A had to play trivia. We were really enjoying the game until we noticed that this one person, Tool, kept beating us. Finally, when K and I were refilling our drinks, she jokingly pointed at the guy at the bar who was also playing trivia and said, �That�s probably Tool.�

I nudged him and said, �What name are you playing under?�

And as luck would have it, he answered with, �Tool.�

I, of course, did my overly dramatic, �Oh MY GOD! That�s you?!� to play along with the general attitude of what I thought was just fun and games. However, this guy was taking the game way too seriously.

How do I know this?

He beat us for another three games or so, which prompted me to ask him what, exactly, he did for a living that afforded him so much time to learn such useless knowledge. The guy was an engineer who graduated from U of M. This, of course, only drove me to try and beat him even more, and thanks to B, we actually succeeded.

Could I help but to go over there and playfully gloat? Of course not.

However, it turned out that the guy was a complete jackass who took his trivia so seriously that he couldn�t say to himself, �Hey, I took on 3 very smart girls [and two guys that he didn�t know about] and beat them three times. So they won the last game? Big deal.�

No, instead he got all quiet and cold, and eventually drove off in a huff.

I, of course, thought that this was hilarious and basically typical of a U of M fan when he loses.

It was fun as hell.

I spent the night, yet again, at B�s. We woke up the next morning, watched some football, got a late breakfast, and then I headed home for Girls Night Out.

The people that I met on that message board a few weeks back decided to arrange for 20 girls to take a Hummer limo to Windsor to go to a strip club and various other clubs. I took this as a perfect opportunity to get really ho�d out and silly drunk.

I, however, was not impressed with the dancers at the strip club. They were wayyyyyyy too cheesy to be sexy. Everything about them looked so fake and they weren�t very creative, so I didn�t really get into it. I dunno, but I really hope that normal strip clubs are much better than that, because that basically sucked.

The rest of the night was great, though. I do have some pictures:

Me and Marie

Me and Chelsea

Me, K, and Amy.

I have tons more, but I don�t really feel like posting them all�they�re basically all the same anyway.

It was a good time.

And with that�.I think I�m going to cut this one short.

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