Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2002 7:11 p.m.

My dreams have taken on a very weird, and basically outright crazy, theme lately. I have dreamed about a 2-story Farmer Jack, which had some kind of waterpark on its second story. Have you seen the Christina Aguilera �Dirty� video? Well, there�s this part where Christina and some girls are dancing around in water in the men�s bathroom. Imagine a huge choreographed dance like that with everyone you would see in a supermarket.


Then there was the dream that I had last night about a dual time kind of thing. I was in P, the Conqueror�s bed with him when his mom told him it was 9 am and time for us to get up. He had two huge dry erase boards in his room. Well somehow, I slipped through some kind of time warp and we could communicate with each other using the dry erase boards.


Then, this is my personal favorite. I had a dream about one of my Antenna group members. We had this long-standing joke about �chocolate baths� from my stay in Hershey, Pennsylvania a few years ago. And I was teasing this particular group member about being all �smart� by reading a book in class. Needless to say that he was wearing the book and I was wearing the chocolate.

The best part, however, is when I let it slip that I�d had a dream about him.

We barely got our lab done.

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