Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2002 3:33 a.m.

Today, overall, was a pretty damn good day.

Well�.there were a few kinks�

I couldn�t fall asleep last night, so, yet again, I missed ZOL 141. I have gotten way too cocky with that class. I did on the teetering edge of 4.0 on the first exam, but with my lack of attendance recently, I�m not so sure I�m going to do quite as well.

Anyway, I got up, groaning, realizing that I had to go to Leo�s office hours to talk to him about the GPS antenna project. I was really tempted to fall back in my bed and make my group members pick up the slack.

But I didn�t.

I drove to class, because I was still freezing and didn�t want to ride my bike with no gloves. I parked in the TC parking structure and put 2 hours worth of change in the meter.

I had arrived at 12:30 and was assuming I�d be leaving by about 2:40, so that�s about right, right?

I went to the lab and ran the simulation that I came up with at home.

It didn�t work; the antenna wasn�t circularly polarized.

I tried something else.

Didn�t work.

Repeat this for about an hour and you�d have a frustrated me sitting at the desk, unsure of what to do. The only lab partner to show up had disappeared off to class, so I told myself that I would try one more thing and give up to go to class.

It was like magic�

The antenna was perfect!

I printed off the specs and ran to class. I walked in just as Leo was saying that it was ok if we couldn�t get circular polarization. He said we should focus on other aspects of the project.

Yeah, that�s exactly when I walked in with my perfectly polarized antenna.

I love it when irony works in my favor.

Anyway, after class, I ran up to the Capstone lab to work on my miniproject, also due on Wednesday. The TA for the Monday lab section was there and he explained what was up with my circuit.

Yeah, it works.

Imagine that!

Then, I went back to the electromagnetics lab to tweak the antenna so that it met the right frequency and work on the second antenna for the second frequency.

Both worked perfectly�.and I managed to explain it to one of my group members.

At this time, it was 5:00. I had missed TC (another class I�m going to pay dearly for) and my meter was very much expired. I ran back to my car to find, yet again, that there was no ticket.

No ticket! The parking nazis didn�t get me?

I ran home, changed, ate, and went right back to the EB for my meeting. The meeting was alright, nothing really special.

I called up HT. Yeah, that�s the guy from my old work who I ran into something like a month or so ago. We had said last week that we were going to hang out. I picked him up and we went out for coffee.

Man what a discussion did we have! We talked about work, school, current events, religion, strip clubs, old times�.what didn�t we talk about?

I don�t know where it�s leading, if anywhere, but it�s nice to have a nice conversation with someone who is so kind�not that I don�t get that kind of treatment normally�..but I mean�..it�s nice to have a nice conversation with someone that I�m interested in, even if it isn�t going anywhere.

I think that made it more clear, no?

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