Friday, Jun. 20, 2003 7:07 p.m.

Man I am exhausted.

I�m not exhausted in the sense that I just ran a marathon, but more or less from the constant running around and thinking that I�ve had to do for the past week. I had forgotten what it felt like to wish for weekends so badly.

On that note, I don�t really have any plans for the weekend either, so I don�t know exactly why I was looking forward to it. It�s not like I sleep in or anything. I guess a break from doing the same thing every day is refreshing.

It�s really beautiful out and I�m thinking that I should possibly go for a rollerblade or something, but I can�t work up the motivation right now. I am going to make sure that I get to the gym tonight so that I can stay in the habit, but other than that, I doubt that I�ll get much accomplished.

It�s funny how little I have to say even though I�ve been doing so much more. Not too many exciting things have happened to me in months, but it seems even less so now that I�m working. I mean, I could talk about what I do at work, but it would be pretty boring to hear about (not to mention, company confidential). I haven�t even had time in the past few weeks to think up any opinions on any major issues.

Yep, today my life is boring. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

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