Saturday, Sept. 07, 2002 8:10 p.m.

Aha! I knew my wild side would show itself again!

Now I�m either going to have to burn or repeatedly wash my clothes from last night being as that they reek of baby oil and I have fire extinguisher stuff all over them.

Yes, I went out last night.

It started out innocently enough. I was party hunting and it turned out that most of my sources were looking for sources themselves. I put my faith in my ability to find something and started to get ready.

Well, getting ready took a hell of a lot longer than I thought and by the time I was ready to leave, AC, the Coworker, and her boyfriend had already walked all the way to my place. We enjoyed a couple of shots and piled into RP, the Roommate�s car to head on over to a party that JG, the Lost had suggested. We arrived and RP took off for her boyfriend�s.

It turned out that the party sucked and AC suggested that we start walking closer to her place because the frat next to her building was throwing some kind of bash. We walked and talked, and JG�s friends disappeared.

We arrive at the party and it turned out that no one was being allowed in�.just perfect! So we all went back to AC�s place to drink some wine and meet her neighbors. JG disappeared and I got a call that he�d managed to sneak in to the party. AC, her boyfriend, and I joined him, as well as a neighbor we�d picked up in the process.

It totally sucked.

There was no keg. There were very few people. It was sparse and boring.

Until I found the makeshift waterslide�.

They had a waterslide that they made down their stairs. They piled mattresses on the stairs and put tarps over them. Add in a little baby oil and a warm hose and voila�you have a waterslide.

I decided, �what the hell?� and jumped right in. AC snapped a couple pictures of me going down until they had to shut it down. Their basement was flooding.

Fun stuff.

We decided that that would be a good time to go to the liquor store then, considering how soaked I was. As we were in there, I happened to run across D, the Sweetheart who was buying some soda or something.

Strange, small world.

We walked back to AC�s place and talked for awhile, and around 3:30, I decided it was time to go home�.

�..but not before AC�s boyfriend tested the fire extinguisher on me�.

Heh�..what a night�

I managed to find a taxi and climbed in. I ended up sitting next to a younger Tom Welling look alike.

Ooooooohhhhh yeah.

I told him that he was very���.and he asked if he should get off at my stop.


That was the end of our conversation.

Oh well, I can live with that.

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