Sunday, Jun. 16, 2002 10:30 p.m.


There�s nothing like sitting it a warm bubble bath with a glass of wine in one hand and a treasured book in the other. I have not finished The Bourne Supremacy yet; I�m not even halfway through actually. I did, however, manage to see The Bourne Identity.

I devoted Friday night to rest, as I had not been feeling well. My fever reached dangerous heights as I lay in my bed, too weak to fetch some water. While lying there I spoke with KP, the Oniisan, about the movie. Even though, I knew I was ruining the movie, I asked, �Is the ending the same?�

I was shocked to find out that there weren�t many similarities between the book in the movie. Regardless, after doing some shopping, I saw it with P, the Conqueror.

The name Jason Bourne, the placement of the bank account in the hip, Marie�s first name, and the referring to Treadstone as the department of the government that handled Jason Bourne were the only similarities between the book and movie.

I was floored by this.

Well, on one hand, since the movie was so radically different from the book it did not ruin the movie for me. On the other, the movie should be renamed to something else. I wonder if Robert Ludlum was livid. One bonus was one fine Matt Damon looking extra hot in his serious spy musings and black clothing as he whipped everything in site. This was also my first encounter with Franka Potente, whom I�ve heard rave reviews about as an independent film German actress.

My only problem now is that I have to split my dreams between Tobey Maguire daringly rescuing me as Spider-man and one seriously buff Matt Damon and his covert ops.

I dread tomorrow. I hate work like nothing else. It literally depresses me. It was getting better last week when AC, the Coworker�s father sent out the email that we were free agents that could do work for everyone. Then it hit rock bottom when my boss brought me back to the dreaded Simulink assignment.

Alright kids, I�m going to bed.

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