Sunday, May. 19, 2002 6:06 p.m.

I�m bored.

I hate this city.

I had been looking forward to Friday 4:30 pm since my right foot stepped into the glass doors with Autoliv on the outside of them. I figured that working would be bad, you know, the whole getting up early and driving in traffic thing.

I had no idea that my life echoed Office Space so unbelievably.

First of all, I do sneak in about 15 minutes late every single day. Lumberg reminds me exactly of my boss, only in my case, you get to add in the added bonus of an unintelligible French accent. Then there is the chubby boss with the protruding belly with the moustache. That reminds me of the other guy that�s close to B, the Boss�, project so he�s always hanging around. At least I don�t have to deal with TPS reports and all that BS but still�.I can relate totally to that whole, �I only do about 15 minutes of actual work in a given week� thing.

Well, I had been looking forward to Friday all week, but I had no apparent plans. That�s always the best approach in my opinion. If you have something to look forward to, I mean really look forward to, the week goes even more slowly because you�re practically counting the minutes until you get to go.

I was basically only looking forward to Friday because that would mean two full days in which I wouldn�t have to be anywhere near the proximity of my unholy boss. After work on Friday, I went over to my mother�s to hang out for awhile with my new kitten and then I went home to retire at the elderly time of 12:30.

Saturday was fun filled considering I spent most of the morning fighting with my father and then I took off for a Star Wars double header with a couple friends.

That�s right kids, I saw Star Wars twice.

One right after the other.

Same theater even�no need to move.

It wasn�t bad actually. I�m actually a fan of the mindless action filled movie with neat but not overdone special effects. I�d probably acquire Episode 2 when it came out on DVD except that I�m so obsessive compulsive that I�d probably need to buy Episode 1 even though I absolutely hated that movie.

I hated that stupid little Anakin kid. I think that he seriously ruined the movie for me.

Luckily there�s an older Anakin in this movie and though his acting skills aren�t much better than the kid that played him before, he didn�t ruin the movie for me.

Besides, I love Ewan McGregor.

I got to see a Matrix Reloaded preview. Well, technically it was a teaser trailer.

Frankly, even though it was just a teaser, I think that movie looks stupid. Maybe it�s because the first one was so overdone that I can�t even see a reference to it without being sick. Maybe the preview just sucked, but honestly, MIB 2 makes me more excited than that piece of work.

Alright, I�m going to play with my new digital camera. Ciao.

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