Monday, Jan. 20, 2003 11:01 p.m.

The lack of anything exciting going on has been a catalyst for my more studious behavior. I have caught myself up in two classes, and since I get out so early tomorrow; I�ll hopefully have all of my homework completed. Thankfully, there is no lab this week, so I get to enjoy a relatively �thinkless� week.

I had to work today. I�m pretty much so neutral on the topic of the bakery, that there isn�t any more comment that I can add to it. I get along with my coworkers, the work is definitely not noteworthy, and I have virtually no feelings on it [other than the money]. When I got home, I made myself some food and took a nap while Very Bad Things played.

Yeah, I�m that exciting.

I went to the gym and signed up for spinning classes. I�m pretty excited about that, because I hear that they trim down your lower body. Anything that trims down anything is a good deal for me, heh.

Wow, yeah, not much to say really.

Who knows? Maybe tomorrow will bring some good tidings, maybe not. I�m not holding my breath.

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