Wednesday, May. 21, 2003 11:34 p.m.

So things are starting to get resolved, slightly.

My insurance issues are not entirely done yet. The first issue, with regard to the changes in my father�s contract, has been resolved. However, the main problem, whether or not I�m still on that contract, still exists.

We�re still not sure that if my �dependency� expired the day that I graduated or if it expires the last day of the year. I�m really hoping for the last day of the year, because his insurance is much better than the insurance offered through my company.

That�s right, I said my company.

I officially have a job, but I haven�t officially stopped looking yet. I signed the paperwork today and I don�t start on my birthday.

I still have no plans for that day, as of yet.

Anyway, I spent today running errands and spending an extreme amount of time arguing with my father. I don�t understand what is so upsetting about asking the insurance company whether or not I�m covered, but I can�t do it myself.

I love how Detroit Public Schools works.

I called up the insurance company to ask whether or not I�m covered. The woman told me to check the contract. I told her that I don�t have access to the contract. She told me to check with the person who does have access to the contract. I asked her if there was another way. She said to contact the employment group that handles the primary person�s benefits. I asked how to get a hold of the employment group. She tells me that the number is on the contract. I tell her again, that I don�t have the contract. She finally tells me the number.

I call the number. Apparently the Benefits Services office has moved. To be more exact, their answering machine says that they were in the process of moving April 28th until May 1st and that they will return all calls. Then, the answering machine says that it�s full and hangs up.

That�s great.

Today is May 21st.

What the fuck?

I was on hold with the main office of Detroit Public Schools for over an hour and I never actually got to talk to a real person. It was, seriously, worse than dealing with Michigan�s unemployment office.

The kicker is that my father just has to walk around and find the benefits rep in his building or go downtown and ask. He would find the answer out in less than an hour. He will not do it for me, for some odd reason.

Isn�t that great?

On another note, I�m getting a large amount of traffic from a LiveJournal site. It�s actually with regard to my poem. What I find most interesting is that the entry is left as �friends-only� so that I can�t see what it says.

Alls fair in diaries. I mean, I�m the person that says that if you don�t want someone to know about your personal life, and face the consequences of pissing someone off by what you say online�lock up your diary. What I find funny, though, is that I have a good feeling that the reason this LJ entry is locked is because the person who wrote it is 1) blatantly lying in her entry and doesn�t want me to be able to see the pity game she�s playing or 2) really afraid of the repercussions of saying something patently false or nasty about me.

Either way, I don�t really care, but I do find it pathetic.


Grow a backbone, gain some confidence, live your life.

Actually, what I found most amusing were the hits that I got on my journal from email messages. That means that someone sent out a link to my page in email and the people reading the email clicked and visited.

Again�.it�s a little on the pathetic side. I have a feeling that most of this revolves around gaining pity or �rallying� people to a side, but again, I don�t really care. See, I could give a tiny rat�s behind what people think of me. I used to care, but I don�t anymore. Is it amusing? Yes. Does it impact my life? Hell no.

I mean, think about it.

What goes on in most adult lives? Dating? Jobs? School? Children? Hobbies? Working out? There are a lot of things that go on in the life of most normal adults. For example, I�m going to have a lot less time on my hands in about a week and a half. I�m going to be at work for 9 hours a day, driving for some of it, working out for another 2, sleeping for 8, and that�s very similar to the lives of most of the people that I know.

So if you keep that in mind, who in the hell would have time to get all worked up about what �so and so� said online last week on �whomever�s� diary? Who would have time to care so much what other people think of him or her? Who would have time to write �secret� entries and send out emails to rally support?

I don�t know. Do you know?

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